pushkar. ..super hero. ..

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   Adil tip toed to pushkar s room. ...He sneaked inside and fumed to see pushkar sleeping. ..

" lucky fellow. ..sleeping till 10. ..but. . . how could he sleep  when I am awake. .? "

He  had a dragon thought. ..He lifted the blanket slowly...

" Pushkar bache....good morning. .."

There was nill response. ..adil  pulled pushkar ' s eyelids. ..

" open your eyes. ..sleepy winky. ..it's 10 already. .."

Annoyed pushkar rubbed his eyes. ..He got up with a wide yawn. ..

" good morning bhaiya. .."

He again slammed into bed. .adil shaked pushkar ' s shoulders. ..

" Pushkar. ..you won't sleep if you  knew what happened today. .."

Adil hinted to stimulate  his enthusiasm. As expected, pushkar sat up straight. ..

" What is the matter. .? "

Adil grinned teasingly. ..

" Oh. ..sleepy winky. ..now. ..get ready fast. ..we are going to meet an important person in my life. .."

Pushkar scratched his forehead. ..

" bhaiya. ..Please. ..break the suspense. ..I need to sleep. .."

" Pushkar. ..is this the extent of your  love for  shan. ?..can't you sacrifice your late morning  sleep for him. ..that too for one day. .? "

Adil showed his puppy face. ..pushkar nodded his head to and fro. ..

" bhaiya. ..you have locked me emotionally. ..i guess something is not right. .." He looked adil with enormous doubt. ..

He sighed. .." no one could change karma. .." 

Though pushkar scared about the upcoming meet, he loved to take risk for his brother. Superficially, he was casual. ..but in depth, his thoughts were racing about adil 's important person. ..He had a lot of questions. ..who it would be. .  His mind prayed god that there shouldn't be further troubles. ..

Adil hastened pushkar minute by minute. ..they both got ready and stepped out. ..adil was shocked to see the courtyard. ..there was no car..

Pushkar laughed victoriously. ..

" ha. ..ha. ..ha. ..😁😁😁😁"

" bhaiya. .karma is a boomerang. ..and I love this boomerang. ..the way you hastened me. ..."     he sniggered. ...

   "  bhaiya. ..what next. ..perhaps. ..I have to sleep again. .."

Pushkar was at the extent of joy. ..He turned to leave. ..

Adil laughed with ecstasy. ..it's his turn now. ..pushkar eyed him with his brows raised. ..

" you.... spoilt brat ...I love this karma. ..now the arrow 's  point is on your side. ..look there. .."

  Pushkar looked where adil has been pointing. ...it was a Harley Davidson extravagant. ..

By seeing the bike, pushkar backed. ..

" bhaiya. ..its not fair. ..i don't like this hulk ride. ..It will spoil all my hair settings. ..better, we get a  cab. .."

Adil looked his hair. ..and he took the bike keys. ..

" Pushkar. ..if you are worrying  about this much, then we should go by  bike. ..."

Pushkar looked him pity. .adil  made pushkar to wear the helmet. ..

Made for Each Other -s1 & s2 ❤💑(shraman FF )_completed  Where stories live. Discover now