Adil or shan. .?

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Sumo's pov :

I saw Aditya calling me.

" Aditya. .."

" sumo. ..are you okay. .I scared... why you took long time to pick the call. .."

I could understand his fear. .I smiled indescribably. .

" no. ..I was in washroom. that okay. tell me. .."

I heard his huff. ..

"  that's like our sumo. ..listen. ..we got the results. is positive as we expected. ..I have mailed all the relevant copies to pushkar. ..He will get you the hot copies. .we have done our job.'s your turn now ,  to act wisely. .."

I knew about the results already. Hence, I was listening to him silently ..

" I heard all about shan ...sumo. ..stay strong.'s must important to get our shan back. .we are here with you. ..okay. ..don't hesitate to get help at anytime. ..take care. .."

After listening to him, I beamed up with ray of hope. ..I was waiting for pushkar to view the results. ..

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   Sumo was sitting on the couch, viewing the reports. They planned to meet Joshi then and there as that would be the perfect time since adil is in the clinic. ..already a copy of the biometric results has been sent to the doctors who were involving in adil ' s treatment.

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Sumo and pushkar went in Joshi 's room. .He welcomed them as before. He asked them to be seated and asked would they prefer tea ya coffee. .he told the maid to get coffee as they wish. .there was a pin drop silence in the room till the coffee arrives.  ..He looked them  quizzically ...He felt something unusual and alarmed towards the same. ..He put forth his query to break the silence. ..

Joshi : is everything alright. .?

Sumo : yes. ..actually, I wanted to talk with you and sandy. she here. .?

Joshi :  yeah. ..

He continued his confusing look on them and called sandy louder. ..

Sandy :  hai. ..Suman Di. ..hello pushkar. ..

Sumo reciprocated her wish with a gentle nod.she grinned at her. ..and made sandy  to sit beside her ..

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Sumo's pov :

I enthralled all my energy to start.after all, today is the day finally,  I gonna know what happened to shan in Kenya. ..though I felt hurted, I am at cloud nine to get my shan back. I cleared my throat to speak. ..

" Joshi. ..I don't want to beat around the bush. .I ask you directly. ..' who is adil. ?'..."

I asked him straightforward. He might have surprised at my question. Sandy too had a defiant look on me. .

" What the hell. .?he is my friend more like my family  ..moreover, is there anything important to you to know him. .?"

  I turned towards sandy. Her strange look conveyed her confusion. .I took the file that  I had in my  bag. I saw Joshi s confusions are soaring high.

  I turned the pages one by one. ..I showed him shan ' s picture which was taken during his award ceremony. ..

" Joshi. .He is Mr. shravan malhothra. ..He was awarded the best wild life photographer in animal behaviour category last year. ..have you ever seen him. .?"

   After seeing shan ' s  photo,  Joshi was dumbfounded. Sandy astonished to see his physical resemblance with adil. ..

I Continued, neglecting his sweats. ..

" Joshi. you know. . He was fascinated towards the photography not less than his life. ...He went to Kenya for jungle safari three months ago. ..after two days, his family received a message that he was missing. .His family was shattered at this news and continued to pray god to bring him back. ..but. .."
    In between I  stopped as tears rushed out beyond my scope. Pushkar touched my shoulders ..I saw him with moist eyes ...I wiped the tears and continued. ..

  " his family received his possessions alone at long last . ..till now. ..His family mourn  for  his inevitable  death .. .His family misses him so badly. ."

    I saw them panicking. .Joshi tried to deny me. .

" suman. might be right. ..but. .. look alike personality is common. .I agree that adil looks like shan. ..but. ..nothing is there to do with him. .."

" I knew. ..adil is your friend since three months. are the biometric reports to prove adil as shan. ..this is adil ' s blood group obviously matches with shan. ..this is the fingerprints that go well with shan. ..finally, you can't deny this. ..the DNA report that matches shan ' s parents. . .adil is shan cent percent as per the records. .."

Joshi was at struggle to be normal. ..

I had a steady look into Joshi 's eyes. ...

"  Joshi. want one more evidence ..mrs. Suman shravan malhothra. ..His wife. ..and Mr. pushkar malhothra. ..His brother. .."

  I showed him family photos and our wedding photographs...i tried hard to be normal. .

" Joshi. . . I felt familiar with adil when I saw him first. .I too decided that he may resemble shan by look. But, I saw unique habits of shan in adil. ..I decided to know the truth. ..I got adil ' s samples without his knowledge. .."

"   now. . . I knew everything about him. ..I want to know what happened to shan in Kenya. ..Please tell me Joshi. ..I am dying for him. .."

I broke out with sob. ..sandy sat close to me. She patted my back gently to comfort me. ..

"  Joshi. you know how we miss him. ..not only me. ..His family. ..the channel. ..everyone of us want our champ to be back. .Our love and prayers brought him back to us. ..Please. ..try to understand. ..I knew, he  has a feeling for me even now. ..tell us the truth. ..what happened to him.  did he forget everything. .? ..I want to know. ..I want to know. .."

I asked him in between my cry. .Joshi understood adil as shan. . He sighed with relief. ..

" suman. ..why do you think in that way. .I would be happy to help. ..I tell you what happened to him. .first, drink some water. ..relax. ."

  I wiped my tears and relaxed myself. .throughout,  sandy held my hand to support. .I looked Joshi to convey that. ...I am ready. ..He told me a word. was totally new to me and I asked him to repeat. ..

   " wildebeest. .."

    "Wildebeest. .?  What is that. .?"  I and pushkar exchanged a doubtful look. ..

Made for Each Other -s1 & s2 ❤💑(shraman FF )_completed  Where stories live. Discover now