A new friend. ..

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Adil ' s pov :

   Dr. John was wondered to see me at his doorstep. .

" hello doctor. .."

Dr. John wasn't sure why I  was there. Hence, his  face has shown a bland expression to me. ...

" hello. .Mr adil. ..come in. ..how did you get my home address. .it's really surprising that you are here. ..that too ...at late night. .."

l laughed .I  purposely avoided the clinic to meet him. .as soon as, I  came to know my past, i wanted to jump like a buffoon.... .twirl like a giant wheel. ..laugh till the eyes shed the joyous tears. .

But, i was not sure about everyone's reaction. i couldn't sit numb even after knowing everything . I decided to express my  joy to someone who was unknown to avoid  unlikely situation. Dr. John was my  first choice. .moreover, I  understood well that Dr was in the circle with sumo in identifying me  .I  didn't spared even a minute after deciding. ..

I  collected details about his quarters . I  was waiting for him at the corridor since Dr was on duty. ..

Dr unlocked the door. ..

" come inside. .Please tolerate my boy. ..bachelor's castle. .."

He giggled funny. I myself find the place to sit as the couch was buried with pillow sized books. ..

He excused to fresh up. .I left behind. ..I had a look around. ..awards. ..entitles. ..thesis papers. .magazine cuttings of unique articles. ...apart from this. .books. ..books. ..books everywhere. ..

"  bored with the uninteresting stuffs. .?"

  I turned towards the voice. ..Dr John was there with two cups of coffee. ..we  sat at the bamboo chairs in the corridor. ..

Actually, Dr was still worried about me . ..He waited for me  to initiate the talk. ..

"  Dr. ..I was astonished with your approach while examining. ..you had created an unknown bond to express myself. .later. ..i had a question that while attending so many depression clients how could you stay mentally healthy. .?but. . . now I understood. .this is not your profession, but your life. ..am I right Dr. .."

He accepted my words by a slight smile. ..

" yes. ..my boy. .when I was at adulthood, I too wished to live a normal life like marriage, baby. .so on. .when I chose mental health services as my profession, I dedicated myself for the mental wellbeing of the people. ..I hope I am fulfilling my ambition. ."

  " of course, you are attaining your goal in every aspect. .the ultimate proof is sitting beside you ...I am here to share with you the unbound joy of  my life. ."

He had a quizzical look at me. ..I sipped the coffee. I saw his patience was deserting him. .l said at a calm voice,  avoiding his gaze. .

" Dr. ..I knew I was Mr. shravan malhothra. ."

He huffed by removing his spectacles. .He reclined calmly. .we opted to be calm for minutes. .He waited for me to unveil. ..I cleared my throat  to detail everything. ..He observed keenly. ..

I explained what happened and how I came to know the truth. .He listened without any interuption. He laughed when I said the final words. .

" I knew well that, you met sumo and had a detailed picture of my past life. .."

  " Dr. ..after knowing everything. . . I was clear. ..infact, I yearned to have a family, love, affection. ..but I had no idea about myself. I lead a meaningless life. .insecure feelings set me down sometime. ..it soared after reaching india. .."

"  when I learnt that I had a soft feeling for a married woman I felt ashamed and I developed stress in handling my emotions. .."

"  now. ..it's clear that I had a family. .a lovely family. .a caring wife who carries my baby. ..I am so overwhelmed. ..Dr. ..do you know how I feel. ..I wanted to shout at the edge of the world that I am the only happiest man...I was just felt awesome. . words would fail to tell you how happy I was. .."

Dr patted me. .

" well. ..the case is over I think. ..just go. ..confront everything to all. ..live your life..."

I stopped him midway. ..

"  no doctor. ..I shouldn't tell them the truth now. .."

His eyes throw me the question why. .

" Dr. ..when I saw sumo at the very first time, I was unable to see her pain. .later, my eyes mingled and I read her heart wrecking pain. ..the look she had on me pricked my heart somewhere. ..when I learnt that I had some weird feeling on her,I was unable to stay quite. .I just yelled at her to stay away. .."

" I really wondered to see her strength. ..even after knowing me as shravan,  she curtained all her emotions. ..she struggled to prove me as shravan. .."

"  it was a himalayan wonder. ..how my brain folds held her memories even after the entire collapse. ..this itself sounds volume about shravan _Sumo's depth of love. .. "

" Dr. ..i want to live like shravan. ..i want to  know their love story . I  want to plunge in to her deep love as shravan. ..i  want to undergo the pain she underwent alone. ..i want me to feel her emotions. ..i want to
Listen to my heartbeat for her...i should stood beside her unable to express my love for her even if I knew everything. .."

"   infact Dr. ..I wanted to love her so madly as adil and as shravan too. ..I am so greedy. ..right. . ? "

  He let out a long giggle. ..

"  it's okay. ..lover boy. .."

I rolled the coffee mug in between my hands. ..

" I don't know exactly Dr. ..but. . I wanted to be with her. ..that's what I want now. ."

    I expressed him how I long to visit my home town. ..my parents. ..friends. ..

He listened what ever I said .I requested him not to tell about me  to sumo. ..

"Initially, I was afraid about your cooperation for the treatment. ..now it has become so easy. ..we would start the treatment very soon..."

Dr didn't allowed me to go back to home as it was too late. ..I stayed back with him. .we chattered for long time that ensured a life long friendship. ..

__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
   Hello all, really I was happy with all your comments. Yes. ..it's shan and sumo. .always. ..your comments ensured me that I was justifying the charector to my best. .now, let's put a fullstop for all the pain and agony for sometime. ..time to relish the relationship. ..let's meet at the next chapter. ..

Made for Each Other -s1 & s2 ❤💑(shraman FF )_completed  Where stories live. Discover now