Chapter 1.

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Dee: Jermaine you ready to take me to the airport yet dee yells
Jermaine: yea let's go
Dee POV: so today is the day I leave for tour I'm ready to catch up with my girl latto and spend time with my meatball but it's gonna be weird since nova is gonna be their like we cool n all but we had a lil thing going on in TRG house and when he won the chain it was like everything ended he never texted or called me since. But I just hope lor girl he got don't try me because I didn't choose to go on tour for drama.
~At the airport~

Jermaine: (fake crying) aww your leaving me
Dee: aww shut up bighead you know your gonna miss me
Jermaine: yea yea but remember no drama focus on your career
Dee: yea Ik-
Pa: Flight 472 is now boarding

Dee: welp that's my flight see ya later bro I'll call when I land.
Jermaine: alright be good

Dee waves by to jermaine while going to board her plane. She meets key at the boarding gate.

Key: Wassup nugget
Dee: hey meatball you ready for this tour?
Key:yea I just hope no drama occurs between you and n-
Dee: don't even speak of him I don't wanna hear it
Key:ok dang (he says laughing)
They board the plane and 3 hours later they land. It's gonna be a while before they get to where the tour bus is so let's just skip to there.
Nia POV: so I land from my plane and I ride to where the tour bus meets nova, ji, mani, latto, Peach,and Roscoe are already here. So I walk on the bus to greet everyone and put my stuff down.
Nia (walks on): hey everybody she says with a grin
Everybody except nova and ji: (plainly) hey
Nova: hey babygirl he says kissing her forehead
Ji:Wassup Nia he says hugging her
Nia POV: I was kinda hurt by the way everyone greeted me it's like they didn't really want me here or like me but I don't care I'm just ready to start this tour.
~30 minutes later~
Key: ok nugget we're here I'm going to go get on the bus because I wanna go see pea- I mean I gotta pee
Dee-mmh boy you geekin over lor girl
Key: (blushing) whatever (he says walking off)

Dee walking on the bus
Dee: hey everybody
Everybody except Nia and nova: heyyyy Dee they say excitingly and hugging her.
What's so special about Dee everyone greeted her nicer then me like they liked Dee better than me. Could they?...nahh nobody better than the duchess. Or could-
Nia's thoughts were interrupted by JD walking through the door.
JD:wassup everybody so y'all gon be split on two buses on bus 1 is: Peach, Roscoe,nia, ji ,key and a special guest. Bus 2 is :Dee, nova,latto,mani.
Nova POV:
so I'm on a bus with Dee which will be weird because we haven't really talked since
TRG but I hope we can get over that. I really miss Dee she is so fi-what am I saying I have a girlfriend.
Dee POV:
Soo I'm on a bus with nova and this is going to be weird I just don't want drama and I don't want no beef.

So everyone got on their assigned busses and went to their beds as soon as dee got her things put up she went to go find a McDonald's. Mani, latto, and nova went with her.
Nova POV: since me and Dee haven't really talked I like wanted to talk to her and catch up with her.
Nova: hey Dee
Dee: hey Julio
Nova: oh so we're using governments Diam-
Dee:don't try me Julio
Nova: ok ok
~They walk into McDonalds they order their food and sit down dee and nova talk almost the whole time catching up. They return to the bus and they leave for the road off to Louisville they go.
Dee POV: let me be honest I really missed nova I'm glad we caught up with eachother. I missed those beautiful brown eyes and his curly hair and he is so fi- what am I saying he has a girlfriend.
Dee is snapped out of her thoughts by yelling.
Mani: yo something happened on the other bus we gotta go check it out I think somebody hurt.
So the tour bus stops behind the other and they go to the first bus to see what's going on.
When they get there they see.....

A/n: hey guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter I know it's kinda short but the next one will be longer. Comment what you think is going to happen next. Vote for my story and add it to your library. Love you beautiful whores💕


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