Chapter 18.

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Heyyyy y'all I know I took a long time. But here y'all go


Two weeks. It's been two weeks since Diane died and they still she not found the other two. The police say the left out of town. They need to be found. No one is going to kill my daughter and get away with it. So today I'm going to Clayton County to try and find them myself. I mean the crime rate there is humongous so they could've gone here to try not to get caught. Nov went out with J.I and I didn't go out today. Today I was going to find out who killed my child. My phone dinged and it was an alert from a tracking app. I knew exactly what it was. Back in TRG House ...... Mom had me put a tracking device on him to see if he went anywhere or to see what he was doing. I never deleted the app, I don't know why his mom was super protective. I opened the app and it said that he was 4 miles near me. Why would he be in ClayCo? I followed the app. I pulled up behind a car at a stop light and looked through the mirrors. It was him. He was with that bitch to. I decided to follow them and see where they were going. Something wasn't right.


We decided to stay in Clayton County for another day. She wasn't feeling well and I didn't want her to have car sickness.We went to a Waffle House since it wasn't that far from the hotel. Something wasn't right. A car kept following us. We pulled into Waffle House and the car turned also but it went to the back and parked. We went in and ate then went to the store to get food for back at the hotel. The car kept following us. I didn't want to get out of the car because they could have a weapon.After that we went back to the hotel with the car still traveling behind. We checked in our room and instantly fell asleep.


I continued to follow the car. They went into a hotel. I was going to wait a little while before going in to avoid suspicious activity. I opened the tracking app and went to the listening device. They were in room 397. I wrote it down and took a nap in my car and waited till that night. I woke up later on and went to the nearest McDonalds. I got my food and sat  at a booth. I decided to call nova to let him know where I am and where the kids are because I'm pretty sure he's worried.Hello?, he answered in a raspy voice. Hey baby I was just calling to let you know I'm in ClayCo and the kids are with your mom. Wait why are you in ClayCo you know that is a bad city, he yelled into the phone. Baby chill I'm handling some business. I'll be home by tonight. Okay but be safe, he said worryingly. I will love you baby. I hung up and saw it was about 7:00 I decided to go in. I threw my trash in the trash can. As I was walking to the front of the hotel I saw prostitutes on the street, Gangs meeting  and cops chasing. I needed to hurry up and get inside before something bad could happen. I walked in the hotel and saw more prostitues checking in hotel rooms with men on their arms. This really was the "bad part" of Atlanta. I went to the bathroom before I went to their room. I heard moaning coming from different stalls so I just walked out. This was disgusting. I walked straight past the elevators cause one: I don't do elevators and two: could've been more prostitution. I reached the 3rd floor  and walked all the way to the end of the hallway to reach 397 it was a looong hallway. I decided to call the police officer we were intact with to let him know I found them.I was walking and talking on the phone. The officers were on their way. I mean I could kill them but no because I just got my nails did, and I got too much on the line to kill somebody. Especially in this town. I reached the room and knocked on the door. Anger  and betrayal went through my body.He opens  the door with her by her side. I gagged internally. They stood there frozen.

Hi Roscoe
Hi Manariah

Hey y'all how y'all doin? I had fun with this chapter the next one will be interesting and you'll find out he rest of the killers. Love y'all goodnight/morning ❤️ N yea I know it's short

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