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so to find the proof I start to summon one of them.

Still (Y/N) POV:
So...Imma just make a circle?? Sure, okay now what? Read the spell...okay huc unus ex vobis est, et non potest accipere et mecum in regno Patris vestri qui tui sume tecum praestoque.(Translation:do come here one of you, and you shall take me to one of your kingdom) (A/N: google translate LOL :P.No, don't be afraid it's not a real spell), I waited for 2 minutes "See, there's nothing, it's just a fake spell, thats impossible to summon one of them" and soon the circle shined bright, brighter than the moon, and my floor shaken and it opened a portal, when it closed I saw a blonde man with a black wings with his blue stripped robe. "Who are you? And why are you summoning me?? I don't like being summoned" he stared at me with his cold blood shot eyes "I....I was just trying to summon one of you i thought it was a joke so to proof it I start to summon one of you, p-please let me go..." i asked stuttering "tch, no can do dear, you summon me and made a promise already remember??" "Yes I only summon you, but...I-I never made a promise.." "Don't lie. I hate liars. You literally say the spell, the spell is the promise darling it's like...shaking hands with whoever the portal choose" "So...does that mean...I'LL GO TO YOUR KINGDOM??" "Yes, and becoming our slave" "NO! I WON'T GO WITH YOU" "you made a promise, remember?" He emphasized the 'Remember' words, "No, please...let me stay" "Oh, you wanna stay in this cruel world?? We saw you (Y/N), we always see you getting bullied for 6 years and you still think you love this world??" "I might got bullied but there's still some people who love me..." "thats it you're irritating me, look darling there are two options when you speak that spell 1. You come with one of the deadly sins you summoned 2. You won't come with them--" " I'LL TAKE THE SECOND OPTION!" "I'm.Not.FINISHED. You won't come with them, yet they'll suck your life and you'll die....still want to choose the second option??" "*speechless*" "Silence means yes for me so *stepping closer to you* I'll take your life and you'll die then" when he almost put his head on my face, "WAIT!" I shout "Hm?" He smirked demonly

"I'll take the first option then..."

7 Deadly Sins (BTS AU) Taehyung ffWhere stories live. Discover now