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I'm walking down a dark road. It's rainy and wet and I feel like I could fly right now. I'm walking down the same rainy road that was there on the dinner night, and I see a dark figure. A boy? A ghost? It's the same figure I saw the night I freaked out. I turn around and everything had changed. I'm at fountain park. It's a park with a huge fountain in the middle and everyone comes here to talk or hang out; but something's different. Everyone's wearing red. Everyone's wearing red cloaks with hoods over there heads and walking around like they don't notice that they are all wearing the same exact thing. I look down at what am wearing to see a black cloak and long black leggings with boots. This is weird. I turn my head and look back up. Everyone's stoped walking and everyone's looking at me. Is this a dream? I see the dark shadow figure guy walk past in the back around all the starring people. "W-wait." I yell walking and skipping around people that turn their heads toward me still starring. "Hold up!"
I turn my head and everyone's is closing in on me. My eyes are everywhere and my heart is beating faster than Brice running to my kitchen for food. Everyone keeps getting closer and closer until I close my eyes and squint. "Please go away please go away." I say to myself curled in a ball on the ground. Then it got quiet I open my eyes and see the guy above me. He walks away as I'm speaking "Who are you?" I ask sitting up with every word I speak it echoes. I look around and I'm in a dark place with water dripping from somewhere. "Hello are you gonna answer me?" I yell at him. He turns around and I see his face. He just looks at me and I felt everything. His blue eyes looked like a story harder than anything iv ever been told. His lips looked cold, his face was so defined and his curly dark hair was all messed up like he's been through hell and back. He was handsome but yet frightening. Then I realize I was staring at him awkwardly and looked down snapping out of it. I look back at him with my knees to my elbows and my hands in my messy hair and see him in my face which was frighting. "Get out." He tells me with a straight face. "Wait what?!" I'm so confused.

I snap out of it and wake up. "It was just a dream. Good." I say with a smile on my face. I try to move my hands up to stretch but they want. I look down and I'm strapped to a hospital bed. I can't move my feet or my hands. I pull hard and try to get myself out but there's no use. I have spots of blood poking through my hospital gown but I don't remember ever bleeding. I look around and there are no windows in this room, the door is closed and the only thing in here is a table. I look up at the ceiling and there's cameras in the corners. I'm thinking to myself that this doesn't look like a normal hospital room to me. There are little drawings around the room like someone just drew on the walls with markers. This room is ugly and old looking, I was told I would be helped. This looks like I being held captive other than being treated. Where's my mom and everyone? Im scared and nervous, my heart has fell to my stomach. "Where am I?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2017 ⏰

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