~Nice and Amazing

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Sam and Dean were preparing to sleep in one of the motel rooms they were staying in.

Sam stepped out of the bathroom, his hair wet from the shower he just had. He was already in pajamas because it would be awkward if he wasn't.

Dean was still going through lore trying to find something on the monster they were hunting.

When Sam fell onto the bed he shut the laptop and laid on his bed as well. They didn't share bed. They are brothers. Creeps.

"Any idea on what it is?" Sam asked, his voice muffled by the pillow pressed onto his face.

"No, not yet.." Dean said, tiredness lining his voice, "Tomorrow we can go to the parents of the girl, maybe get some info on what might have happened."

"Sure." Sam said and fake snored.

"Bitch." The older brother replied with a chuckle as he closed his green eyes.

"Jerk." Sam said as he turned off the light.

They both heard a soft whoosh but ignored it, thinking it was just a wind from outside.

It was autumn, it happens.

"Nice." They headed a soft voice say. They both jumped up from bed, guns in their hands.

"Amazing." Some other voice said. The brothers could only see silhouettes of two humans standing in front of the motels window. But inside the motel. I don't know how to explain things.

And with other whoosh the two humans were gone. It weren't humans for the Winchester brothers thought.

"What the fuck?!"

The two angels didn't fly away as one might think. They just went invisible, wanting to see the brothers reactions.

This also may have happened before the brothers knew about angels and ended up hunting the two angels.

About 1 season forward, they found the two angels. They still had no idea about their angel mojo.

The two angels randomly appeared in their Bobby's living room. Bobby was on a hunt with Rufus which was probably for the better.

"Hey guys!" The one with curly hair called out, pretty loudly considering they were like 5 meters away from each other.

Both brothers slowly stood up, Sam hiding Ruby's knife behind his back.

He walked up to them and basically stabbed the straight haired one.

"The fuck man?" They exclaimed as they stabbed them both.

"OUR VESSELS!" the curly one yelled out sounding more dramatic than it actually was, "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU!"


"You are possessing these poor bastards?" Dean asked with disgust lining his voice.

"No actually." The curly haired one started.

"They begged for it, that's the first thing and second that they left to heaven a while ago."

"What." Sam and Dean said at the same time.

"You know," curly haired one started,"if there's hell there will obviously be Heaven. Ying and Yang ring a bell?"

"Basically, there can't be light without darkness or darkness without light." The straight haired one explained quickly.

"What the fuck are you then?!"

"Oh were angels!" The straight haired one explained, "Name's Sagiel, this one is Rhysiel."

"W-what OH my god-" Sam raised his hand towards his mouth. He couldn't believe he's seeing angels. He's had faith for his entire life, he's been praying even and now he's meeting actual angels? That's unreal but so amazing.

"Actually friends of the one who gripped you tight and raised you from perdition." Rhysiel said proudly.

"How do we know you are actually angels?" Dean said still not believing.

The angels both sighed, "You could give us holy water to drink, or we could just randomly show you our wings."

Dean watched wide eyed as he saw shadows of 3 pairs of wings looming from their backs. Both had 3 pairs. I'm just bad at explaining.

"I'm just waiting for the 'woa'." the one apparently named Sagiel said, "You two look like fishes with the mouths open like that."

"They are preparing for Gabe and Cas." Rhysiel whispered somehow loudly to Sagiel and they both snorted.

The two brothers immediately shut their mouths. Maybe to stop the shipping, maybe to not look like fishes. Noone will ever know.

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