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Hello guy! NazHope back! I'm very sorry of my late update and plz don't mad at me. This is my third fanfiction I made. Hope you guys enjoy my third fanfiction and plz give me your comments and vote.. haha,I'm not force you then. feel free give me your suggestion and sweet comments.

"May your day shine as how sun rise and illuminate your path from darkness and guide you into the right path"

-NazHope out-

Narrator's p.o.v

In America,there lived of (L/n)'s family,a happy and wealthy family and noble family's blood. Considered how fame of (L/n)'s household are,by Writer,model or possibly singer and Basketball which make them popular at United State of America and perhaps at Asia,Japan or other Asian's country. Basketball which make (L/n)'s family quite fame at Japan.

For the before member of Generation of Miracles formed,Teiko Junior Middle school once get beaten by (L/n) (F/n)'s basketball club. Thus Teiko Junior Middle School's Basketball club never gave up from their terrible loss as make that lost as encouraged their strengths and motivation into championship of basketball. There's where this five player and one mystery phantom player were found and make their history goes victory and it was not what is seems as they become unstoppable basketball club's player,arrogant.. friendships.. smile.. happiness.. love.. care.. rivals.. revenged.. were just happened for Kuroko and the members of The Generation of Miracles.

Basketball is just a sport after all and it just simply grab and throw it into a hoop and make a score. Sweats flow glistened through the body and pant from softly to heavily from take much stamina spent for various quarter stage. Crowd of people cheered at between two basketball club,raise a cheer to boost at them who nearly whether victory or despair. A power of word able give basketball team inspired and strength,words is just a word but no words can be consider as merely word.. some of it will make something unpredictable moment to basketball's team,for example: SEIRIN! SEIRIN! SEIRIN!

There's is no need to make a enemy each other if that team were lost or victory and there's is no need to do violent thing like fight or some sort of abuse or otherwise which cannot speak here graphically for immature or underage.. connect between two partner and do something solid. If you lost at the match,make that lost as motive from failure and try more harder to achieve goals.

(M/n) were older than Taiga Kagami which their gap are one year gap between for both of (M/n) and Taiga. He attended at Taiga's school, Seirin High School as third year. He mostly considered as first year when he first meet with Taiga's fellow friend or even A members of The Generation of Miracles.. well,from because of his height,he kept blame it himself for how did (M/n)'s parent doesn't have a gene for tall height(hehehhe) since (M/n) ever wish get a height same like Taiga. But for all,he have such a cute face and nice body or sexy body I suppose.. where he get attention from pervert prey's eyes. That's very dangerous! Gomennasai Reader-kun.

Since he quite popular at Tokyo as best basketball player,he get many medals,trophies or possibly money from company who hired him. So he freaking wealthy person from wealthy family as being as blood of noble's family from America,he sometimes most spent a money bought something he wanted which it can be called as useless and he came at Japan with bring much pocket money where it don't want to reveal yet and he need to learn what mean of money-saving. He had three sibling,he are third sibling and the other two are big brother and sister.

Let's be frankly,(M/n) quit basketball's club when he get left shoulder's injury in third year of middle school at America and his interest for basketball slowly become faded and he hardly meet his basketball's friend or his cousin Taiga. Since he loved basketball but he unable played since he get lectured by his parent for not play basketball anymore. Taiga visit (M/n) for make in touch as cousin and the relationship still intact after all.

When he know Taiga moved to Tokyo,Japan.. he wish visit him and see what's he doing at Japan,does Taiga have a friend,does he joined basketball club and what school he attend. (M/n) miss of Winter Cup that Taiga and his teammates won and noticed that Taiga beat all the members of The Generation of Miracles. (M/n) just realize Taiga were strong and for (M/n),before he injured his left shoulder,he lost match with his cousin Taiga once when there had a event of street basketball. He and Taiga accept make a deal and (M/n) were terribly lost at that match and he get humiliated by the crowd of people. How shame! How normal opponent like Taiga can beat a legendary player like (M/n).

For how (M/n)'s arrogant before he lost,now instilled with care and kind into (M/n),for how felt when get lost for the first time. Entitled as legendary basketball player when he always with at World Basketball's Championship back in middle school and he started like basketball since he at 12 year old,and after he won match straightly without any loss.. when he already at third year of junior middle school,he already entitled as legendary basketball player before he retired due left shoulder injury. When speak of when he get first time got beat by his cousin,let's say,it not even real match and doesn't even count into his line of victory as real basketball.

This story takes place after Seirin High won Winter Cup and beat all the Member of The Generation of Miracles. All of teammates of Seirin or even Generation of Miracles member were gathered at Taiga's apartment for celebrate their victory and wonder how's it turn out when (M/n) sudden came there..

Is it love? Rival? Shock? Friendships? Enemies? A fate cannot be told by mere human,once it happen.. there just already happen and no way it can be reverse. A time traveler most known science fictional are just fiction..not in reality and now,perhaps we soon or hopefully invent it one if fiction is true.

Love is blind.. and blindness is one of the pain.. and pain is a part of 'test'.. and 'test' is a part of life.. and life is ongoing while death await (is it logic?)


That's for introduction for this third fanfiction and don't forget vote and leave me some comments if you could. Thanks for take your time for read and I appreciate your kindness.

See ya!

NazHope out

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