Chapter 6: Attractive,Adorable and Satisfied

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Another chapter released. Sorry for waiting too long. I hope you enjoy read this chapter.

Flashback of previous chapter

As how when the prey too close into predator's domain,it will hardly escape from their gaze or when the prey take long time into predator's domain,the predators will strike their prey unnoticed and swiftly but remain shadow. The hunger of predator toward a prey it want consume really badly and taste any flesh of a prey they hunt.

End of flashback

(M/n)'s p.o.v

A night of clear skies,a crescent moon bright under the blocking clouds and the stars twinkles from the far. I,Kagami and Kuroko sat where already prepared for the special guest. I don't know why my father doesn't come here and attend this invitation. I really want some space and freedom. A pitiful son like me who simply follow father's rule and live like on the cage and not that I care much actually. I always admit this kind of invitation as usual for me but where is my freedom. After I being humiliated and had broke my left shoulder,my life changed drastically.

I see Seijuro's father walk into contest and begin his speak for guests "Thank you for coming,my friend. This night,I want to make an announcement of the welcoming for Son of (L/n). I want say congrats because his father accepted our projects and joined our group. And current progress run smoothly and expenses are neutral. For the future,our group as Akashi corps will be achieve to the top of world but because of the support of (L/n),our group's income rise into 50% from last month and coworkers were happy about it. Let me called (M/n),son of (L/n) up here."

My name called and many of Akashi's guests applause for me. I really don't know what to say when I up there but after I learn about my father's career,I do hope I give them a good speech and after all.. I always do my best as the household of (L/n).

A silence consume as I walk and I hear many whispering about that I couldn't care. When I heard a shout from Sasha,I quickly turn my gaze at her and wave at her. "That my future husband!" Sasha squeal.

Well,I think I get death glare from predators who intensely see at me and I gulp on little nervousness especially a red-emperor eyes who gave me a smirk. I ignore what they doing and I begin my speech for this invitation where it include of achievements,income,outcome,history and relationship. This gonna a long-speech on behalf of my father.

Time skip,after the long-speech

Kuroko's p.o.v

After his long-speech about between Akashi corps and (L/n) corps. I think it about take twenty minutes and I see Kagami fall asleep with put a hand under his chin and I sweatdrop for his behavior.

When I heard from that girl named Sasha who claimed (M/n) as her future husband,I begin feel unsatisfied and jealousy grow from my heart. Not that my heart broke into million shard and it just a confession. I see Seijuro who sat unemotional and notice he also feel the same way like me and Kagami also. I will protect (M/n) from Akashi and Kagami which I fear most.

Then I saw (M/n) walk toward my direction and I kick Kagami's leg for wake him up. I not really fond of this invitation but because of (M/n)'s request,how am I can't refused. Meet with other rich companies and it not my right for speak with them except (M/n) who can. I just from the ordinary family and now I surrounded with rich companies. A normal life like this are given and for that,we should grateful.

"Wow! (M/n)! That's a good speech and I knew your father will proud of this" my mother compliment him.

"Thanks,I guess" (M/n) said.

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