Chapter 11: Preps for the hot spring

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A/n: Hey guys,it's been a month since my last update for this book. plz don't mad at me kay. Sometimes I have lack of motivation for continue this book but hey,I still alive.. hahaha ijk. Enough for chit-chat and let skip this lame excuses..shall we? 

In this chapter,I have to divided into two chapter because it's one hell of long words. Also,for your addition info,(M/n)'s friend name are Tadashi Hamada when you find out later.. another random character's name. I'm deeply sorry if the contents are not recognize or lack or confuse

Hope you enjoy reading this book and don't forget vote.. I appreciate your kindness and being operational. (Am I should saying this all time? 'Hope you enjoy' thing) Haha.. don't mind that.

NazHope out

Flashback from the chapter 10

Kagami,on the other hand,I think he try examine me for why I run away from both of them and I give him my poker face with no emotion contained and Kagami huff on my reaction I made. He return to his seat as the next lesson were about to begin. Ah! What a day! It must be feel awkward when (M/n)'s around for me now.


End of the flashback

During History's lesson,in Kagami or Kuroko's class,fourth period of lesson.

Third's p.o.v

The times flew like a wind as how's the world changed and it doesn't mean our world were on the natural disasters like hurricane or tornado. It only how to make it better explanation which mostly used on novel book.

In time passed through the period lesson and school stayed silent as the students from their class try to stay focus what teacher might said about their periodic lessons been arranged by the school's department.

Kagami and Kuroko,for good omen,they were still same on class as the second year of Seirin High. Perhaps it because both of them were perfect match or to be more clearly,Kuroko is a shadow and Kagami is his light or so how's they both being named.

A History subject,or Mrs.Jeanne,or Mrs.Sexy Lady. The one things were hard for teachers.. they will get their own nicknames though and that is the reason why'd (M/n) never want to become as teacher. Mrs.Jeanne currently teach as history teacher for the second-year,in Kagami's class and she describing about Japan's history or some sort of that. Well,those who liked that subject,they will enjoy learning or the otherwise,they will slack off or not stayed focus or try take nap if it not get alerted from Mrs.Jeanne. Hahaha amateurs!

Kuroko were playing his pencil and get his attention away from the whiteboard as to find out the history subject make him bored and that is good thing for him because his presence are weak and teachers will not spotted him as if he's forgotten. Poor him.. for having such a fate. For Kagami,it cannot tell by his face whether he's like the history subject or not and maybe his face like that were meant 'focusing' type. The most favorite sport for Kagami are basketball and same for Kuroko are.

A matter of deep fantasy about (M/n) from Kuroko the first period earlier,somehow,it's show his feeling toward (M/n) were greater than ever. A love-bond,as it called.

Time skip,the break time started.

the school's bell rung as the lessons are over,the students busily take their own time or some of them were head for cafeteria whether it by the groups or solo.

A usual school day in Seirin are not really special,just what it should called 'school'.

Kagami sigh with his tired face written as this 'school' day make him exhausted or on his mind,he's like 'Man I want to go home' and when he see Kuroko caught off staring at him as if with the poker face of the light blue-haired hair pierce through Kagami's soul. Then Kagami start to break the stare from Kuroko, "Really Kuroko? What are you staring at?"

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