Chapter 5: A first day of (M/n)

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I really sorry for not update this chapter for a time. I really run of the ideas when I abandoned this fanfic for about two week. So I had take time rethinking to continue this fanfic. I do hope you enjoy this chapter and there is always next chapter. Stay tuned!

(M/n)'s p.o.v

On this sunny day with a set of the low temperature make cold outside. The climate on this country different than my own country,people driving their car as they want go to work,a cafes were filled with different ages-- mostly the adult. A wind blow toward north-west and the aura of the morning so refreshed.

A black limousine drove by my butler. I gaze look upon the building as await arrive to Seirin High,a places crowded with many restaurants and cafes,a traffic seem not really be problem and many workers go to the subway for take a fast travel with paid train.

Travel to Seirin High not quite near but still at Tokyo. My place were quite remote with guards because as one relative of Royal Family,it need security just in case.

After that nightmare I face earlier,I only chuckled Akashi Seijuro on my dream are the Unicorn as I try remember. When the unicorn said, "Taste my rainbow,motherfucker" I grin and Sebastian notice me by, "Master,are you okay?"

I yelp in surprise and stutter, "It's nothing,Sebastian,really" If Seijuro were the unicorn in real life,I'd like to ride it.. hahaha! Being imaginative were hard for me.

Little time skip,arrive at Seirin High,in front of gate

At last,my day of school now begin as I take first step at this high school. What I like here is just splendid and it my first time of Japanese school style. A high-rank family like me attended this normal school were just enough for me.

I waved back to Sebastian when he are about to go and I try call Kagami that I wait at the entrance gate, "Hello Taiga?"

"Well,hello (M/n)?" Kagami said. His voice would rather deep like his deep red hair and his presence intimidate as a flames of wild tiger. That's what I thought,really.

"Where are you,Taiga? Are you in your class? Because I wait outside,at front of entrance gate,at bench and I want go inside together with you and your friend,Kuroko Tetsuya" I talk with him via smartphone.

"I actually on the way and it only take a few minutes" Taiga said. I agree his word and end call. This morning actually fortune for me because there is no fangirls here and so forth I decide wait Taiga's arrival.

As soon I end call,I sit at bench wait for him or possibly light-blue haired. I play online game name Mobile Legends and I choose brawl mode because it just one lane and I select hero as game started.(A/n: it my fav online game ever on smartphone) This game surely make me want to play more..

Kagami's p.o.v

Walk bit faster for make sure (M/n) not wait me too long and I keep thinking why he wanted wait me and Kuroko. I relieved Kuroko not here with me and I will never forget about what his confession yesterday. My cousin (M/n) for me was more than cousin as it be and I wish he is my brother or other like kind romantic thing that look very weird. His height,I did not to be rude,like same height as Akashi but he bit taller by two inch. Even his height like that but his stats are superior and uncountable especially when his right eye change like demon's eye,terrible as unfurled flame,beauty as the dawn and unreadable unknown eye. For now,I need meet him at meeting point.

When I arrive by entrance gate,look surround to find (your hair color) figure by sat on bench and I discover his presence. As soon I meet him,I saw he playing a game and see his reaction which make me chuckle,and a sound from that game is on max I think and announcer's voice say in English language..

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