Chapter Seven

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The bedroom door swung open,and out came Larry,dressed in his fabulous  crop-top and boxers.

"Morning,sleepyhead"Lisa said from the kitchen.

"Morning mom"Larry grumbled,plopping onto the couch."What time is it?"

"Seven thirty"Lisa answered.

Larry's eyes widened."Shit!"

"Relax,you've got time"Lisa answered.

Larry just laid on the couch.

Lisa sat beside him."Know what day it is?"


"Yes.And also you're Birthday."

"Oh yeah."

"You're present's in the kitchen."

Larry stood up and wandered into the kitchen.There,on the table,was a huge,bulky wrapped box."The hell,mom?Did you buy me a small car?"

"No,shit head.Open it."

Larry tore off the wrapping paper.A wide grin spread across his face,as he laid his eyes on the stack of huge canvas' and art supplies.

"Three hundred dollars of art supplied"Lisa said,smiling.

He stopped smiling,and faced Lisa."Mom,I-I've got a problem..."

"Larry,I don't care what windows you broke,it's-"

"No,mom.I-I'm really into someone..."

Lisa smiled."Awe,my baby's all grown up!"

"I already regret telling you this."

Lisa chuckled."I'm joking.Sweetheart,you-"

"Mom,I really like Sally."

Lisa's eyes widened.She didn't respond.

Her son scratched the back of his head."Mom?"

Lisa put her hands on Larry's shoulders,staring deep into his dark eyes."Thank.God."

Larry stared at her."Wuh?"

"Larry,out of every fuckface in town,Sally Fisher is by far the best one,and he probably doesn't even have a face."

"So you're okay with it?"

"I couldn't be happier."

Larry sat down at the table,rubbing the back of his head."I really like him,but....y-y'know.......i-if I say something it might ruin the friendship."

"Sweetie,"Lisa said,putting her arm around him."If I know anything about friendship,it's that it pulls through until the very end.And you two have a friendship like I've never seen.You'll make it through in one piece."

Larry nodded slightly."Yeah....yeah,I understand."

"Oh,and there's one more thing."

Lisa reached into her pocket."Remember that wreck of a car you bought after Winter Break?"


She dropped a chain of keys into his hand."I think you've earned the right to drive it."

Larry smiled."Seriously?!"

"Of coarse."

Larry quickly hugged her."Thanks mom!"

"You're welcome,Lar."

Larry rushed into his room and threw on some random clothes.He rushed to the front door,grabbing a piece of fresh toast from his mom's plate and sticking it in his mouth.He grabbed his school bag,and ran to the elevator.

Scars-Sally Face (Sal x Larry) (Rewrite) (Was Written Before Episode Three)Where stories live. Discover now