Damn you (You know who you are).
So I got tagged and apparently it's a thing to do now a days. You're just minding your own business, working away at the next chapter of your story. Then all of a sudden someone takes you down with them in their descend into tag hell. So here are the rules that he who shall not be named gave to the 8 of us that were tagged. Yes there are seven more people going through this so at least I do not suffer alone.
Taggers rules:
1) Don't tag the person that tagged you
2) Has to be a chapter
3) No refusal
4) (He changed it) 8 facts about yourself.
5) (Changed it again) tag 8 people
But since this is MY TAG, I'll change the rules a bit as well.
1) Don't tag the person that tagged you
2) Can be a chapter or it's own thing
3) No refusal
4) Let's say five facts about yourself
5) I'll leave the decision to tag up to you. If you choose to continue to spread this terror, you shall be limited to only three victims. If not, nothing will come of it
Okay so here's a little more about the one behind the screen
1) I'm a Taurus
2) My favorite song of all-time is Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen. There has never been a time that it played and I didn't sing every word, every key, played the air guitar and banged my head to it. Sometimes I'll rewind to the 3:56 mark and change the words to: "Mercy has a rez put aside for mee. For meee. FOR MEEEEEEE!!!!!( HEROES NEVER DIE)!!!! DUM-BADA-DUM-DUM-DUM-BOWN-NA and so on. (There's a bonus one for you guys. If I ever meet Lucy Pohl, voice actress for Mercy, I'll ask her to say that line while I cover the vocals and If I do, I'll post it for you guys.)
3) My favorite movie of all-time is Star Wars Episode V The Empire Strikes Back. Man did I play the heck out of that VHS tape.
4) I met the voice actress for D.VA at a convention in Dallas. She was so cool. Two things that happened: When I went up for an autograph, I basically did Reinhardt's interaction with her. You know the one that goes : "I was wondering if you'd sign something for me it's uh *Cough* for a friend." ,and yes I did it in a Reinhardt voice as best I could. And she went with it and said "Of course, here you go. Love, D.VA." The next thing that happened was at her panel when someone asked her about the ships that have been made in game and she said that she did ship Lucio and D.VA. To add more to that, she told us that D.VA is pregnant with Lucio's baby. Boy did that suck the air out of the room. She then said "Wait a minute. Isn't today april fools day?"
5. I would have to say that Alan Moore is my favorite writer.
6. My favorite work by Alan Moore has got to be Killing Joke and it's probably my favorite comic book too. (Real Men call them comic books. Graphic Novels are when people are ashamed that they read them. If you want my personal opinion on the animated movie they did, just message me or ask in the comments.)
7. From time to time people will ask me if I work at Target or Hot Topic. (I mean seriously?! I'm not even wearing a red shirt or khakis! Plus the shirts I wear are much cooler than the ones the employees at hot topic wear. I always get complimented on my shirts. I have such good taste.)
8. I have black hair or at least it looks black from a distance, but if I'm in the sun and if you're close to me, it turns to a shade of dark brown.
My tags
StarKiller66 (You were my first follower so yeah. Sorry!)
Impulse14 (You're new, so yeah.)
ObjectiveFoxtrot (For being THAT GUY. JK, I was waiting to see who would point out the thing about the chip sarnies.)
beccagirl45 (You gave the story it's first vote. Thank you for that.)
Remember, you shall have a choice to tag or not to tag.
Overwatch: The World Needs Heroes! (Tracer X Reader)
FanfictionYou are a former Overwatch Scientist and for the past five years since it's disbandment, you've been living with Winston and Athena at Watchpoint: Gibraltar. But now the world is sitting on a ticking bomb and the recall of Overwatch is it's only hop...