Hot Chocolate & Disney Movies

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Yoongi locked himself outside of his apartment and there's a storm rolling in, Hoseok feels bad and offers that yoongi can stay in his apartment


Yoongi was happily walking home to his apartment, listening to the beat of the music playing from the headphones in his ears. His mood was quickly dampered when he saw the sun in the sky hid behind the dull, gray clouds and felt light sprinkles dropping on his skin.

He decided that he better start running or else he'd be caught in the storm, and might even catch a cold. As he was trying to run away from the rain he didn't realize his key to his apartment had slipped out of his pocket and onto the sidewalk.

The rain was pouring down on his body, he could feel the raindrops getting heavier and colder. If he cursed at himself for not checking the weather beforehand.

The rain drenched boy finally made it to his apartment door, but after a couple of minutes pf searching for his pockets for the key he realized it wasn't anywhere to be found. He jiggled the door knob as if he'd magically be able to open a locked door without a key. He cursed at himself once more for being so stupid.

He slid down and sat on the ground with his back against his door, drenched from head to toe shivering from the coldness of the rain. He was certain that he was going to catch a cold from being out in the rain. He sighed.

He heard shuffling coming from his neighbour, his apartment was right in fromt of theirs. He could see someone peeking through the blinds of the window. He sees the door knob turning and his hot nieghbour, Hoseok, steps out. Yoongi has always had a crush on him ever since he moved in, but was too afraid to ever approach him.

"Yoongi, you know there's a storm coming, right?" Hoseok looks at him with confusion, "You better get inside, you'll catch a cold with those wet clothes, hyung"

Yoongi got shy, and stuttered out weakly "I locked myself out..."

Hoseok starts chuckling at the small, shivering black haired boy. Yoongis pretty sure Hoseok thinks hes an idiot now. He hides his face in his hands, out of embrassment.

"Come inside, I'll make you hot chocolate" Hoseok says, giving yoongi a cheeky wink.

Yoongi can feel his body start to warm up, besides the fact the he's drenched in ice cold rain water. Yoongi can't help the blush that starts to form on his cheeks. He awkwardly stumbles inside Hoseoks apartment. It's warm, and feels very homely. He didn't exactly picture hoseok's apartment to be this neat.

"You must be freezing, hyung." Hoseok says, handling the pale boy a stack of clothes "Here put these on, the bathroom is down the hall"

After yoongi puts on the new warm clothes he finds hoseok waiting for him with a bundle of blankets, and two steaming cups of hot chocolate.

Hoseok looks over his shoulder at yoongi with a wide grin, "Hurry up, hyung. We're about to start a Disney marathon!" He said full of excitement.

"I've never seen a Disney movie in my life, Horse boy, and today is not goin got be that day." Yoongi says smirking as he watches hoseoks mouth drop wide open in shock

"You've never see- diD YOU JUST CALL ME HOSRE BOY" Hoseok sat up from the couch ready to fight the latter.

"Yes, I did" Yoongi said slyly "And theres no way im going to watch kid movies with you"

Hoseok pulls yoongi by the wrist, and forces him onto the couch. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"Hyung, I won't take no for an answer. You're going to watch these movies whether you like it or not" Hoseok bundles up yoongi in the blankets, and hands him a cup a hot chocolate.

"We're starting off with ...DISNEY PRINCESSES" Hoseok screams in excitment.

Yoongi almost chokes on his hot chocolate, "No, no theres no way im watching these girly movies."

Yoongi tries getting up, but hoseok gentley pulls him back " No, hyung i promise, you'll love these movies"

"what if i dont?" yoongi smirks

"then...i'll.. KISS you!"

Yoongi almost chokes once more, "wHA-"

"Hyung, just sit back and relax, enjoy the movie"

After several movies, the two boys found themselves cuddling up with one another underneath the big heap of blankets, they were soon woken up to a high pitched voice cooing at them

"ah hoseokie has a boyfriend"~

"JIMIN WHA-" hoseok wakes up throwing a pillow at the hileum sounding boy, that happens to be his roomate.

Yoongi and hoseok blush deeply at one another "Hyung, let me walk you to your door"

"You know you have to kiss me" yoongi says smirking.

"w-what why" hoseok stutters, blushing deeply.

Yoongi boldly leans in and gives hoseok a quick peck on his lips

"Hyung, you can come over anytime and cuddle" Hoseok winks, making yoongis heart almost beat out of his chest"


I didn't proof read, i literally wrote this 10 minutes ago 

but enjoy this long awaited chapter!


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