Welcome to The Gates

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There is one thing worse than being the new girl, that is the actual process of moving. It's such a hassle to pack everything in boxes and ship them somewhere new, then having to unpack all of them once again. The whole thing is stupid. This whole situation sucks and there's nothing I can do about it.

"Kat?" My brother Colton snapped his fingers in front of my face. I take out an earbud and look towards him. "We're here!" Colton seemed excited to move, meet new people and socialize with other creatures. Unlike Jake and I, we only agreed to this because of our father's alpha order.

Who wants to move? Move away from your land, your pack, or your family? It's not fair how everything we once called ours was taken so easily. I can't even imagine how Jake is feeling, being forced to move away from his mate must be killing him. "Jake? When is Alli's flight?" I ask out of the blue. 

"Within the next week." A small smile appears on his stubbled face. "She put me in charge of the decoration in our room."

We all laugh at that and it might have to do with the fact that this 19-year-old has the worst taste in decor. It's smart to keep him distracted from his mate bond with Alli so he doesn't destroy the new house.

Soon enough we stopped in front of these massive iron gates. Since when could we afford to live in a gated community? Being the Alpha family has its perks but I thought we lost everything to him. Before our move, we were living in the basement of a witch after our main territory was taken. Father speaks with a security guard and shows his ID to him. The gate slowly opens with an ominous creak. It was like passing through a magical barrier when we entered. A strong powerful force pushed through my body as if walking through an imaginary portal. 

We weave in and out of streets till we reach our new home and boy it was huge. Father must have connections with in to get this nice property. The backside of the house faced the dark woods. I never expected this but it makes sense for the size because Father's beta and delta are coming to live with us too. The plan is to take back our territory before more damage is done to our remaining pack members but at this rate, we were lucky to leave the country with our lives. He will not stop until father and my brothers are dead and I, his luna.

See, my dad is the rightful Alpha to the North American pack but his younger twin brother took it right from under our muzzles. He killed my mother just to prove a point that he will not stop until he gets the title of Alpha.

As soon as the car stopped in the driveway, Colton and Jake jumped out and dashed into the house. Pushing and shoving each other to be the first one in, such boys. I, on the other hand, take my sweet time and help Dad with unloading the trunk full of our carry-ons.

I was about to head into the large wooden door when he stopped me. "I know you probably hate me for making you leave our land but what happened to your mother couldn't be prevented."

"I know but we should've stayed and fought for what's ours." Anger is the only emotion that I feel now. My hands clamp in tight fists and I feel my claws slowly rip open my skin.

"And lose more lives? I couldn't do that but I have something to show you, follow me." He's right, uncle would kill everyone if we kept fighting. I release my fists and wipe them on my jeans. He leads me through the house straight to the backyard. A small mother-in-law suit sat hidden in an aspen grove next to the pool. I give him a raised eyebrow but he keeps walking to the little house. "Thought since you will be the only teenage girl in the house besides Alli, you can have your own art studio slash bedroom." He opened the door to the empty space. It was the size of the small basement we just left. 

I was speechless to say the less

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I was speechless to say the less. The room was laid out perfectly with the living space in a loft. Without the thought of being mad at my father, I jump into his arms and hugged him tightly. Eventually, I let go and thanked him and started unpacking my carry-on and the few boxes of art supplies we shipped beforehand.

"How is this fair?" Colton stood in the open doorway. "You're not even in line to be Alpha." He slumped in to take a look. The large windows face the dark tempting woods.

I laugh at his statement as I continue putting my things away. "It's so fair. You're only fifteen and I'm seventeen. Eldest rules." I stick my tongue out at him teasingly.

"But you're not the oldest. Jake is." He states in a matter of fact tone.

"Yes, that's true but I'm also a girl. So I win overall." I reply with a snarky attitude.

"Bullshit." Colton crosses his arms with a pout on his face.

"Is there a reason why you are here?" I ask wanting him to go away. I love my family but I need to get out some pent up... feelings? I think that's the appropriate word for it.

"Oh, yeah. There's someone from the council or something that needs to talk with us about 'rules' of some shit like that." He says as he starts to walk out the door. 

Colton pulled me into the main house and to the large ass living room. There was an older woman sitting in a grey pencil skirt and matching blazer on our new black leather couch. 

"You must be Katatonia." She stood up with a slightly wrinkled smile and a welcoming hand. "I'm Ms Mary Glover, Mayor of The Gates. Because you and your family are wolf-bloods there are rules. Our community is a place where humans and the supernatural live in peace. The humans that live here have no idea your kind exists, and we prefer to keep it that way." She pulls a paper off the coffee table and pushed a pair of reading glasses up the bridge of her nose. Here we go with the rules, I roll my eyes. "There is no shifting inside the town or public places. No shifting in front of humans. Do not speak of the supernatural around humans. Do not use your abilities around humans. Do not reveal yourself to anyone, human and supernatural alike. Do not leave The Gates in your animal form. Are these rules clear? If they are broken there will be consequences." She handed Father the piece of paper with a nod and walked to the door. "Katatonia and Colton will be attending Gates High first thing tomorrow as a sophomore and a senior." With that, she leaves. 

"Welcome to The Gates everyone. Where our freedom goes to shit and we have to deal with fucking humans." I yell sarcastically as I leave the main house, slamming my door then sliding against it. Why did we have to leave? We could've won, I... I.. I'm sorry mum. Tears flood my cheeks.

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