Part 3

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Jailbreak placed her luggage
"I'm excited to spend time with you, after all we are best friends!" Jailbreak said, excited
Gene felt his heart break
"Yea, me too.." Gene said, trying to calm
"Gene are you alright?" Jailbreak asked
"Uh y-yeah I'll show you your room"
But then Jailbreak started daydreaming...
"I know you rejected me, but I'll always wait for you"
Daydream Gene said, holding her tight
"Gene..." Jailbreak said, who's not ready for this

Back into reality

"Jailbreak!!" Gene yelled, concerned
"Huh?!" Jailbreak said, snapping out of her daydream
"Are you ok, do you need anything?" Gene asked
"I-oh no I'm good!" Jailbreak said
"Ah ok, but if you need anything, then let me know, Kay?" Gene asked
"Sure" Jailbreak said
But then
She felt her heart pounding
"Do I like gene, more as a friend, I already rejected him, that's because I wasn't ready,
I hope I'll be confident one day" Jailbreak thought

Part 3 is done!!!
Anyway did you guys read the junior novel?
I was so happy in the end, here is the proof:

Jailbreak looked at Gene. "I'm kinda nervous," she told him. Gene was surprised.
"Are you kidding?" he said. "Don't worry. You're going to do great. You were
made for this job." Jailbreak gave Gene a sweet kiss. Their eyes turned into

But, I didn't see the movie yet, and I DO love spoilers, the only thing that broke my heart is that in YouTube I saw a clip that she rejected him
So, readers, I hope u can write in the comic that did she at LEAST kiss him or something, please let me know because I can't bare this
Anyways, THANKS
and see YOU soon

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