Part 8

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"Hello sir, how may I help you?" The shop owner asked
"Hi, do you have any yellow diamond rings?" I asked
The reason why I chose yellow diamond because jailbreak's favourite colour is yellow and the second reason is that she might like this diamond
"Yes we do sir" the shop owner said, while leading gene to the yellow diamond ring selection
Gene looked at a variety of yellow diamond rings
"How much are they?" Gene asked
"8,000 bitcoins" the shop owner said
Luckily, gene had enough money
I'll take this one then
The shop owner nodded
She took out the ring and placed it in a box
Gene handed her the money
"Thank you sir, have a nice day" the shop owner said
"You too, thanks" gene said
Gene was strolling in textoplis again
He was thinking where would he propose to her
"Somewhere romantic maybe?" He said
Gene had the perfect idea
"I'll take her to the lake of Spotify again!"
Gene remembered that time it was the first time when they locked eyes with each other
"Perfect!" Gene said
He went running to his and Jailbreak's house
"Honey I'm home!" Gene said happily
Jailbreak turned around quickly and gave him a loving smile
"Glad you are back, I missed you" she said, while hugging him
"I missed you too" he said giving her a small peck on her cheek
"Where have you been?" Jailbreak asked curiously
"I went to visit Hi-5" I said, lying
"Why did I lie to my jailbreak? Oh right, the secret proposal"
Gene thought
"Honey, would you like to take a trip back to the memory lane and go to the lake of Spotify? Just me and you?" Gene asked
Jailbreak smiled
"Of course" she said
Gene hugged her happily
*Time skip*
Jailbreak got ready for her date with Gene
To her, the lake of Spotify is the most romantic place
Jailbreak wore a black glittering dress, which reveals her legs, she wore black high heels and just wore mascara
Gene was also ready, but wore a tuxedo(they are gonna go have a dance so why not)
Jailbreak stepped out of their room
She looked beautiful
And genes mouth was drooling
Gene now knew a shortcut to the lake of Spotify
It only took 20 minutes to get there
Gene allowed Jailbreak to sit on the boat first
Then gene sat on the boat
The boat began moving
Showing beautiful effects there
While romantic songs were playing
Gene held Jailbreaks hands
"I know it's been weeks, and I think you might not be ready, but I wanted to give it a try" gene said with nervous and confident
Jailbreak gave him a puzzled look
"Jails, I loved you ever since I saw you, I never want to leave your side, I want no emoji going near you, my princess, you are my everything, my happiness, and my key, to a perfect life, every single moment with you was the best thing that ever happened to me, I want to share my whole life with you, will you, my jailbreak, marry me?" Gene asked jailbreak
What will jailbreak said, yes,no or maybe???
Find out in the next chapter 👸❤️😒

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