Part 13

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Before you began reading this part I just want to say thank you so much for the support, many people are so good at fanfic writing but I'm not
But you all gave me a chance
And I'm very grateful for that, really I am!
This book was fun to make
And I loved reading everyone's comments
It was a fun journey with all of you
BTW check out my first book:Trolls Role reversal AU.

On with the story:

"Their names should be... Eugene and Jailene"
Gene said
"I love those names" Jailbreak said
Gene smiled at his baby boy
Jailbreak smiled at her baby girl
Jailene had little brown hair, mixed with yellow lines,
when she opened her eyes, she had golden and green mixed together
Her skin was mixed with gene's and jailbreaks skin colour
As for Eugene
He had jailbreaks skin colour
He had gene's eyes
His hair was gold-ish brown
Gene and jailbreak has tears of joy
And kissed each other
*time skip*
Eventually jailbreak arrived with her babies
They looked beautiful
She put them on their room
Gene brought an extra crib
Gene also upgraded the room
Half room was blue and half was pink
Their were extra supplies
Gene kissed jailbreak and his babies
And that's how their life went
Learning new things
Their babies learning words
They both were so lucky to have nice babies
Even, Hi-5 visits them daily
Life was beautiful for a happy family
And ever since that day
Gene and Jailbreak shared a loving bond
Which can never be broken
No matter where the time goes, the couple will never leave each other's sides
"I ❤️ you gene" jailbreak said
"I ❤️ you too jails" gene said
They both passionately kissed
And they knew no matter what comes between them,
No matter where they are,
They will always find each other
The end
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I ❤️ you, a gene x jailbreak fanfic

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