Part 5

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If you like lemons, then have fun reading this

Gene locked eyes with his new lover, Jailbreak
He looked at her eyes, her golden eyes were the best part of her he has ever since
Gene wants her so badly, he doesn't want her to be with anyone else
Jailbreak also wanted him to be hers
She feels like they both have lust in their eyes
She stared into his dark emerald eyes
Gene pulled Jailbreak closer
Their hearts were beating
Then, they had the most passionate kiss ever
Gene and jailbreak started their intense make-out
Jailbreak was enjoying this moment
She loved him, she felt his hand crawling up to her dress
Then,Gene was on top of her, kissing her wildly, everywhere
She could feel his hot breath
She held him tight
She couldn't stop kissing him
Jailbreak let gene go
"I want you to be mine" jailbreak said before giving him a passionate kiss
The kiss was getting intense
Gene was enjoying this feeling
They both stopped and blushed redder
Jailbreak shyly looked away
She started to undress
The only thing she had on was her bra and underwear
Gene looked all over her body, He blushed redder than a tomato
Jailbreak came closer to him
Gene started kissing her wildly,
He trailed to her neck
Jailbreak moaned
Gene trailed his lips everywhere
Then, he came across her underwear
"May I?" Gene said, Blushing
Jailbreak shyly nodded
Gene slowly took her underwear off
He then brought his finger into her sensitive area
"Oh Gene, this feels so good!" Jailbreak said in pleasure
Gene was happy to hear that, it was their first time after all
He then removed her bra
Jailbreak felt his wet tongue circled around her nipple
"Gene" Jailbreak moaned
Whenever she moans his name, it keeps him excited
He did the same thing with her other nipple
Jailbreaks body was amazing
Every part of her is amazing
Gene bit her neck,claiming that Jailbreak will only belong to Gene
Jailbreak saw Gene's bulge
She held his bulge and began rubbing it
"J-jailbreak, that f-feels so a-amazing" Gene said with pleasure
Jailbreak brought his bulge in her mouth, she began sucking it
Gene growled in pleasure
"Jailbreak, it's my turn" Gene said with excitement
He slowly inserted his bulge into her womanhood
Gene heard a gasp of pain
"Jailbreak are you alright??" Gene asked with concern
Jailbreak slowly nodded
Once the pain subsided, her womanhood loosened
Jailbreak could feel gene, his love, his everything
This is the best thing she ever had with him
Gene finally found Jailbreaks hidden spot
"GENE" Jailbreak moaned louder
Jailbreak held him tighter, he was so close to her climax
She kissed him while having this feeling
Jailbreak never wants this to end, this is the best thing she has ever experienced with her lover, Gene
"Jailbreak, I'm so close" Gene said, holding her tight
Then, with final few powerful thrusts, Gene let out a groan
"Jailbreak!" Gene moaned
Jailbreak felt his climax right after his
Jailbreaks muscles of her core tightening around the hard organ buried inside her
"Gene!" Jailbreak yelled
Finally her organism came, filled with sexual fluids
Gene slowly and lovingly pulled it out of her
His member dripping juice
Then gene brought jailbreak closer to him
Both were panting and satisfied
"That was amazing, Jailbreak I ❤️ you" gene said lovingly
"I ❤️ you too" Jailbreak said, enjoying his warm and loving embrace

Like I said, two emojis 👸❤️😒 never to be separated, because their love for each other is always strong

I ❤️ you, a gene x jailbreak fanfic
A/N: Happy now? This FYI was my first lemon, so hate me if you want
And this is the longest chapter of all my books right now
Anyways thanks for reading this book
I may add extra chapters
If I want to only
But for now it's the end
Thank you


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