Baby Bump

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Nikki's P.O.V~

Since today's Sunday, officially 3 weeks have passed. My baby bumps beginning to show and I'm starting to regret even coming to school the day Jason told me we were Mates.

I grab the tub of Cookies n Cream ice cream from the freezer and medium sized silver spoon and hide myself in one of the mansions guest rooms closets and jut down all my daily thoughts.

I hate to sound selfish but I can't have a baby!!! I mean I love my Nate, my sweet soon to be born baby boy but I'm scared... terrified really. I mean my parents are dead and my other family members either live in different states or half way around the world in England or something. I have literally No One!!!.

I can't have a baby.... not now at least. I mean I have to worry about test, exams, finals not to mention college. I know some colleges have like child's daycare and all but I with all the crazy stories I've heard about people at day cares I don't even trust Jason that much with my baby to even think about sending him to daycare with a bunch of strangers. Its like seriously ridiculous. I mean their was this one story were this young little 6 year old girl was at the daycare one day and this really big tall 11-12 year old boy literally bruised the poor girl, she had to go the emergency room and then to make it worse the daycare staff said they didn't even know what was happening like Oh My Goodness!!! So basically after that I promised myself not to send ANY of my kids to a babysitter or daycare and there is no way I'm gonna break that promise.

And then I'm gonna be looked at differently. I mean to teacher I'm that good girl you know, who always does her homework and studies for her test. As soon as they that baby bump people are gonna know what me and Jason did and I'm not sure I can handle the whole high school finding out, not to mention he hangs out with the Popular group which I'm sure as Hell not in... which is why I've been avoiding him.

I mean all in all its not a bad idea. For one thing He gets to hang out with his friends and not feel like he's stuck with me and Second I won't embarrass myself in front of his Friends and people won't look at me like "Wow! What is she stalking him now!!! She must really want that D!"

Were different cliche and maybe at home when were all alone its okay but at school I'd like to keep my Good girl/ Loner status and I'm pretty sure he'd like to keep Popular Status.

(A/N: In this chapter Nikki suppose to bee seen as Her pregnancy hormones are getting the best of her and she's becoming unreasonable and anxious. I hope I covered it, but tell me what you guys think thanx bye... Also comment, vote, and continue reading Thanx again bye :)

P.S: Sorry if there r errors I just did this, quickly so I didn't put much time into it

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