The Truth

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Jason P.o.V~

"Nicole tell me what happened" I demand viewing her reluctant behavior

"Nothing... it was nothing, I'm perfectly fine" She lied straight through her teeth causing me to growl.

"Don't lie to me Nicole, I know something happened so tell me" I hissed grabbing her wrist to restrain her from leaving.

"Jason nothing happened, I'm fine... now please let go of me. Isn't the doctor arriving in like five minutes... and your not even dressed" She tried to lecture, pointing out my naked bare chest.

If she weren't right, I'd discipline her for trying to lie to me but that can wait, besides she'll end up telling me by the end of Today... I'll make sure of it.

Letting her wrist go, I quickly throw on a pair of dark blue slim boot cut jeans, a button down, a simple light gray long sleeved shirt and a pair of blue, and black canvas sneakers (Vans).

About 7 minutes later, the doorbell rang and in came Dr. William Quirk.

With Nikki close behind me, we headed to my personal doctor appointment room.

He told her to take a seat on the examination table and he'd have a look at the baby.

She listened as she was instructed, which I thought was okay at first but then he tried to lift up her shirt and I was about ready to snap his neck off.

"Prince Calvin, I can not do my job if your continuously giving me threatening stares and growls please control yourself or I'll have to ask you to leave" He informs me, causing my Mate to turn her head to the side to hide her face from me to prevent her from busting out laughing.

Yeah it made me angry but I need to calm down... mainly because I needed him to tell me how my son was doing and why my Mates been acting strange.

Distracting myself with my phone, I at first try to listen in on what they're talking about.

"So Mrs.Calvin, how have you been feeling, any pain or nausea?"

"No, not any pain but I do get nauseous every once in a while"

"Well that's good"

After a few moments I slowly just block them out until I looked over at my Mate whose heart was beginning to race.

"Nicole, you can not keep those emotions or thoughts bottles up like you are now. Think of your pregnancy hormones as emotion enhancer's,once those feelings and thoughts get overly bottled up they tend to come out as a whole different meaning or topic and you have no control over them".

"I can tell by the look in your eyes there's been something bothering you since before I got here, am I right?"

".... yes... but I'm not thinking of it that much anymore so I'm fine".

" If only it were that simple Mrs.Calvin you're never fine until you let thoughts or feelings go which is usually when there discussed. Its very unhealthy and harmful for youself, the baby, your fam-".

''With all dew respect doctor I am perfectly fine. I may have lost my cool once but I learn from my mistakes and don't repeat them so can we please move from this subject" She said with such rage it reminded me of our day at the hospital when her and Diana were battling.

" Mrs.Calvin please I need you to- ".

"I said I don't wanna talk about it!" She cut him off grabbing hold of him by his neck lifting him like 10 feet off the ground.

I couldn't deny seeing her like this in a way turned me on. Her eyes were glowing a deep shade of red and she had blood thirsty looking fangs it reminded me of the time she bite me in the car. I feel could "Jason jr" getting a little jumpy but I pushed the feeling aside knowing that I have to stop her before she ends up killing the poor doctor. She'd never forgive herself if she killed anyone, especially her own doctor.

After giving her my most stern look she gentle placed the doctor back down and then mouthed "Ven a jugar conmigo papi. Quiero jugar." (English translation:Come play with me Daddy. I wanna play). I could tell she was getting horny by the way she kept caressing her thighs and she still had the red eyes and fangs.

I wanna help her. I wanna take my poor Mate out of her suffering but this doctor visit isn't over yet meaning we'll both have to wait... but ...that doesn't mean I can't give her a little taste.

Making my way towards her, I grab her off of the examination table grab a hold her by her Ass and tilt my neck to side. She instantly gets the message, playing with me first with tons of kisses and sucking, grabbing hold of me by the waist and then making her hands into the front. Mama must really know what she wants. I can't help but think to myself with a small chuckle.

She suddenly stops and all of a sudden her eyes turn back to normal and the fangs go away. She sits herself back on the examination table and wipes her mouth no longer making eye contact with me.

She looks towards the doctor, apologizes and then stays quiet. I wanna ask her what's wrong but the doctor beat me to it.

"Mrs.Calvin why so upset? I'm not mad at you for reacting the way you did. I knew from before I came here that there was possibility of that happening."

She stayed quiet for a bit and then said  I'm not a Calvin... were not married."

I was about to speak but the doctor gave me a look not to speak... just yet.

"But I called you Mrs.Calvin before why not complain about it till now?"

"I just.... because I-".

"It's because of that thought you had early isn't it?...Nicole you have to start letting your Mate in. What your doing is not improving you or your babies health and if you keep this up you may just be the cause of your baby's death. I wish I could sugar coat it for you but you need to know that what your doing is not acceptable and it will put anyone and everyone around you at harm so please take care of yourself. I'll come to visit you in next month... Prince Calvin please watch over your Mate and unborn infant and take care."

With that he grabbed his bag, coat and took his leave. As soon as I turned around to face my Mate... she was gone. "Nicole!" I call out getting up on my feet getting this weird sense of alarm, I quickly began following her scent. A few seconds later I hear a gun be fired and as soon as I get out to the front porch, not being able to stand my ground I fall flat on my knees at the sight of my Mate laying face first flat on the grass.


(A/N: Hey readers. Well so far for those who are still reading good news we found out why Nicole's been acting strange bad news is... did she just get gunned down? I'll leave you guys to find that out in my next chapter.Anyhow plz continue on reading, enjoying, comment (good or bad), and vote.... sorry for taking long with these chapters I haven't been able to get a good 7-8 hours of sleep lately. At most I slept for about 4 hours and yeah that's about it. Anyway stay tuned and I'll write another A/N in the next chapter. Btw if you guys are confused or have any questions please don't be afraid to comment it because its really hard to enjoy a book that you don't understand. Again sorry for any errors and I'll send another message soon byez :)

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