The Baby Comes First

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Nikki's P.o.v~

Last night was  the first night me and Jason made love in 3 weeks. About the argument we had, for some odd reason the angrier he got the more turned on I was. At the time maybe I thought it was real hidden fear or anger but as soon we... you know. It was like all those fears and angers vanished.

I could never give up my Baby or Jason. I love them too much so I'm really confused on even why I would say something like that?... Anyhow Jason says he'll have the pack doctor see if every things okay with me and the baby.

Which is why were staying home today, what really bites is that Jason is still a bit annoyed with me me...probably for comparing him to Stephen.

"Jase, I said I was sorry. You know I could never actually think of Stephen that way." I implied cuddling up into his chest

"I not upset because of that Nicole... not anymore." He replied back, turning to sleep on his side

The way he said it only made me feel worse.

"Then what are you still upset about?" I ask, now sitting up.

Instead of him answering Mel did saying "You should know."

Now I'm really confused and...kind of nervous . My Mates angry with me and NOW Melanie too, she's never been mad at me meaning I must of screwed up Big Time!

I just wish... I could remember everything I did because all this negative thinking is making my head hurt with stress and I really need to relax before I hurt the baby.

After setting the bath tub with some warm water and bubbles. I decided to let my self relax in it and try to talk to Nate. (My baby)

"Nate, Baby are you there?" I say shutting my eyes and try to speak to him but... he doesn't reply.

"Come on Nate... sweetie come talk to Mommy" I insist but still no answer

"Melanie I know your angry with me but please tell me why my Baby's not talking to me" I ask clutching my chest feeling like I'm about to have an anxiety attack

After a few moments she replies angrily, " He's not talking to you because you've been acting like a Big Bratty Bitch. You've been ignoring him and acting like he doesn't even exist, and to top that off you said you didn't want him and you said you'd rather have Stephen as a Mate so you wouldn't end up pregnant with him... You really hurt his feelings and now he's not even talking to me. Way to screw up Nicole, real good way to fuck up."

That's it I can't do this anymore, before I even realized it I was bawling my eyes out and didn't even notice that Jason was in the bathroom watching me the whole time.

After stripping he came and sat in the tub with me, laying my back on his chest he wrapped his arms around me and tried to soothe me.

"Shhh, everything's going to be alright, I promise" He tried to reassure me but it really didn't help much since I don't think my Baby will ever talk to me again.

"Nathan don't you think it's time to talk to Mommy" He said still holding me.

"I'm so sorry Nathan. Mommy is really really sorry for what she said. I didn't mean to hurt you or Daddy and I really wish you would talk to me right now" I spoke to him also placing my hand on my stomach as Jason does the same.

After a few moments of just pure silence, a really small voice replies back, "Do really you mean it?"

"Of course I do, I loved even before I knew you were even I was having you so why wouldn't I love you now...I'd never give up on you Nate, even if I say it out loud. I sincerely don't know why I said what I did to you or Daddy but I'm really truly sorry and once the doctor tells me what happened I promise I'll never do it again" I imply most truly.

".....Okay Mommy, I believe you" He replied back and almost instantly I felt this warm loving feeling all throughout my body making me excited.

Stepping out of the tub, I quickly dry myself off with a towel and start jumping on the bed.

Which wasn't as fun as I thought I'd be, I mean yes the bed is comfortable( soft enough) to sleep in but its also really firm making it a good bed to make love in... or so I've heard.

The more I thought about the more depressed I was getting, no longer jumping I curled myself into a ball and tried to hold back my tears.

Jason's probably slept with so many other women on this bed. The thought makes me cringe really, I feel so dirty and worthless... Jason wouldn't even be with me if we weren't-.... Damn it I'm doing it again!

Pushing the negative thought away, I got up and started picking clothes out of the closet, asking Nate which one he thought I look better in which sort of helped but since he kept telling me I look good in all of them I was unsure if he was just being nice or did I really look nice.

The moment I turned around stood a mad but worried looking Jason.

"Why do you keep doing that?!, I feel like I keep having to watch my back now since you keep sneaking up on me like that!" I exclaim trying to grab my sandals from the top shelf not being tall enough to reach it.

He reaches up and grabs me the sandals and pulls me closer to his chest.

"What happened Nicole?" He asks with a grave look on his face

"What do you mean what happened, did Stephen break in again or something?" I ask confused to what he might be referring to.

"You came out the tub, happily jumping on the bed and then began whimpering. So are you gonna tell me what happened or do I have to ask Nathan or Melanie" He threatened

"Shit" I mumbled to myself seeing that there was only a one way street to how this is gonna end.

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