Chapter 3

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"Everybody up!"

A deep voice bellowed as the fluorescent ceiling lights hummed on.

In the bunks all around the room, employees were sitting up and hopping out of bed with their duffle bags to change in the bathrooms. a few people just groaned and hid their faces under their covers.

I sat up and hauled myself out of bed.

After changing clothes in the bathroom, Dave called us all into the bus' sitting room to give us instructions for the day. We would take shifts, and once we took our two hour shift for the day, we were free to go wherever we wanted within the festival, as long as we were back on the bus by our nine o'clock curfew.

My shift was at twelve, so I only had two hours until my shift at the drink tent started.

We all walked out side into the chilly morning air, and my shoes were instantly soaked by the dew on the grass. I sighed. it was going to be a long day.

As we started setting up our stand, my craving for alcohol started creeping in on me. I needed to get to my secret stash and drink. I new how much trouble I would be in if I was caught, but when I wanted it, I had to get it. I tapped on the shoulder of the girl I had talked to earlier, Regina. she turned around and looked at me.

"Um... would it be okay if I went back in the van to go get something? I mean, I wouldn't get in trouble, right.?"

Regina scoffed.

"Are you serious? this isn't grade school, you can't just 'get in trouble.' Just go ahead, it's no big deal."

Embarrassed, I turned and walked back up the steps to the bus.

"God, I sounded like a fucking idiot." I mumbled to myself. "I really need to start sounding like I fit in here, even if I don't know anyone and I have no idea what I'm doing."

I sat down onto my bottom bunk and fished through my suitcase until I my hand found cold glass and I pulled out the bottle.

I had only brought beer. I was in more of a whiskey mood, but this was going to have to do.

I opened the bottle and immediately chugged down half of the beer, it was a little warm, but it tasted amazing after a full day without alcohol. I was halfway through my second bottle, when I heard footsteps approaching. I quickly shoved the beer under my bed and stood up. I was surprised to see Dave poke his head through the doorway.

"Alice?" he said, taking a familiar glance down at his clipboard. "um, were gonna need you to take an early shift today. had some complications with the list here." he gestured toward his clipboard.

I replied with an okay and followed him outside. I wasn't exactly ready to leave my comforting beer supply, but I needed something to keep my mind off drinking.

I took a seat behind the table under the tent, and looked out over the campground. most of the tents and stands were already set up, and most of the stages were occupied with bands getting their sets ready. lots of fans were already filing in, and the air was starting to get hot.


Three hours later, me, Regina, and a quiet boy of probably eighteen named Kent were running the tent. still. Dave was supposed to have had other employees take our shifts, but none of them had showed up. until they did, the three of us were stuck running the stand. a few fans had approached us for energy drinks, but we hadn't had much business so far.

"Ugh!" Regina stood up and kicked an empty drink can next to us. "this sucks! I could actually be enjoying this tour, but that Dave guy is too much of an idiot to even look for those slackers who should be taking our place!"

She sat back down and slumped against her lawn chair.

I sighed. yeah, it sucked, but I was glad to be doing anything if it wasn't in my shitty apartment back home.

"I could use a beer." I muttered absentmindedly to myself.

Regina raised her eyebrows. "really? you honestly don't look like the beer drinking type."

"And you know that how?" I asked. "just by looking at me?"

I didn't really like talking to anyone about drinking because of my addiction, and I was getting really tired of this girl's attitude.

"We'll yeah. I guess so." she said. "don't get all defensive though, it was just a comment!" she remarked, rolling her eyes.

I was kind of pissed, but I decided to just let it go and ignore her irritating personality as much as possible.

A few fans in need of a drink approached the tent, but Regina and Kent hopped up before I could get them what they needed. I sat down, disappointed that I'd missed out on something to do. suddenly, someone else walked up to the counter. I quickly jumped up to get them a drink.

I grabbed two energy drinks, and approached the person at the table. I looked up to see a tall man with longish black hair and a tattoo sleeve. he had ripped up black clothes, and the eyeliner that lined his striking blue eyes was streaked down his face with sweat. I recognized him from a band that played on a stage near the tent.

"Can I get a...drink?" he panted in a deep raspy voice.

I nodded and rushed over to the fridge where I put the drinks. I handed him a monster and he cracked it open and chugged it down in three seconds, some of the liquid spilled out of the can and ran down his chin and neck.

He wiped his mouth and put the empty can back down on the counter.

"Another?" he asked.

I handed him another and he gulped it down in the same sloppy manner.

"Woah. you must've been really thirsty." I said.

He laughed. "you try playing a two hour show in these jeans!" he gestured to his tight black pants.

"You should come to one of our shows sometime. You know, if you're into our kind of music." He gestured toward the drink tent we were under. "but I guess you're probably pretty busy here most of the summer, huh?"

"Um, yeah. I mean, no, not really!" I stammered. "well, I usually work here for only about two hours. today kind of a different story. but yeah, maybe I could on my time off..."

"I'm Andy, by the way." He said, extending his hand for a shake. "Andy Biersack. And you are?"

"I'm Alice Briar." I replied.

"Nice to meet you Alice." he glanced behind him at the stage he'd been playing on. "I'm gonna have to go catch up with my band." he said. "can I see you later? maybe tonight? at seven?"

I just blinked, pretty caught off guard by what he'd just said. was he asking to hook up with me? tonight? Right after we'd just met?

Against my better judgement, I blurted out, "yeah, sure!"

He smiled.

"Great. we can meet up here." he suddenly stepped close to me with his mouth up against my ear, he whispered, "see you then" and walked away without another word. I just stood there, dumbfounded.

"Did I really just set myself up to have sex with some guy I didn't know? God I'm an idiot." I thought to myself.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned to see that it was Regina.

"Was that Andy Biersack? of Black Veil Brides? talking to you?" she asked. I shook her hand off my shoulder.

"Um yeah, it was." I replied. "he was just getting a drink." I lied.

"He's SO hot, isn't he?!" Regina exclaimed.

I didn't respond. I'll admit that, yeah, he's really attractive, but I wasn't in the mood to agree with Regina.


Finally, after another hour of sitting in the heat, Dave and the other employees finally arrived to take our places. I decided to go get myself a slushie while I waited for 8:30.

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