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“Hey, Callie! Wait up!” I heard someone yell behind me.

I was walking out of school, and some kid wanted to talk to me. I chose to ignore them, because there were quite a few Callies in our school. My actual name is Callia. Greek name. My parents are fascinated by Greek Mythology.

“Hey,” Theo walked up beside me. “Wanna hang out?”

Okay. If you didn’t know this, Theo is a very popular guy in our high school. I am not a popular girl. So why is this guy talking to me?

I thought about saying something snappy, but then decided against it.

I took a deep breathe. “Why.. why would you want to hang out with me?”

Theo shrugged his shoulders. “Why not?”

I looked the other way and bit my lip. “Did you not see me when Danika pulled up my sleeve? I know you were looking.” I looked straight ahead and shook my head, replaying the scene in my head. “Everyone was looking.”

“I don’t know why she would do that.” He adjusted his backpack. “You know that no one really likes Danika, right?”

“I thought everyone liked everyone in your group.” I opened the front door of the school. What do I say to make him go his own way?

“Is that what people think? Huh.”

“Okay, well, it was nice talking you to.” I said, not really meaning it. “But I have to walk home.”

“I thought we were gonna hang out! C’mon, just try it!”

I sighed.

No one said you had to trust this guy. What if this is just some big joke between him and his friends? Probably. Seems like something they would do. Just tell him thanks for the offer, and go home. You have to do Science. But are you really going to do Science? No. It’s too hard to understand anything.

“Yeah?” I could see him half smiling. Just do it, Callia. One time thing. What do you have to lose? You already lost your dignity.

I took a deep breath. “Yeah.”

“Sweet. I hope you like trucks.”

I hopped into his truck. It smelled like Axe and body odor. He rolled the radio down got out of the parking lot. Thank god. The parents who picked their kids up from school were going nuts.

“Where do you want to go?” Theo looked at me, then looked back at the road.

“Where do you want to go?” I asked him, not really caring where we went.

“I’m kind of hungry.. Are you?”

“Just a little.” I said. I still don’t get what the point of this is.

“Do you like cookies?”

“Who doesn’t like cookies?” I might as well make the best of this. To hell with it. “The best ones are at Subway.”

“You’re right about that,” He says, turning to get to Subway.

We get back into Theo’s truck and head outside of town for a drive. I don’t know where we’re going, if we’re going anywhere. And honestly, I don’t mind not knowing. It’s actually kind of relaxing. We stop at the sign, and Theo gasses it. It’s a good thing we’re wearing our seat belts.

“So.” Theo says after a minute or so.

“So,” I copy him, not looking at him. Please don’t let this get extremely awkward. I know I shouldn’t be giving my hopes up, but I can’t help it.

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