The Sugar Bear || Chaper One

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Castiel stared at his counter. He had about an hour before he met his soulmate. When he woke up his dad was making pancakes, and his mom was getting out the newly bought whip cream from the fridge. As he walked into the kitchen his brothers and sister jumped from behind the counter and yelled, 'Happy meeting your the person we're gonna have to live with forever, we mean your soulmate day!'.

Castiel laughed and uttered a thanks. He made his way over to his usual seat at the table, watching as his step counter when down. His sister, Anna, slid into the seat next to him, her plate in one hand, and Castiel's in the other.

"How are you feeling, Casty?" She asked.

It was obvious she was happy for Castiel . She was born without her timer, so she had the burden of waiting, and hoping it would come.

Cas shrugged. "I guess I'm exited? I don't really know." He said, earring an eye roll from everyone at the table.

He had three brothers, and one sister. Lucifer was the oldest of the family, and he was the rule breaker. Gabriel was two years younger than him, but they got along swell. Samadriel, or Alfie, was three years younger than Gabriel, he was more of the perfect student type of guy. Anna, was two years younger than Alfie, and she was indescribable. She was somebody everyone looked up to, but she wasn't necessarily a good girl. Then there was Castiel. He was a year younger than Anna. He has constant sex hair, and a low voice. He was very pure. You could say.

"Oh come on!" Lucifer said. "You can do better than that. Today's the day your gonna meet the girl if your dreams." He said.

Everyone nodded, and muttered agreements consisting of, 'He's right. Yeah. True, true."

"Or boy." Lucifer added, suddenly.

When everyone looked at him like he had a shark head Lucifer said, "I'm just saying," He started. "You never know." He finished, as he sprayed a ton of whipped cream on his pancakes .

Castiel shrugged. "I better get going," He said, as he stood up and put his plate in the sink, "Wouldn't want to be late." Could he heard as he walked out the door.

Castiel's school was two blocks away from his house. Most of the time, he would walk, but on rare occasions when he was running late, he would have to take Lucifer's car and drive. Today was not one of those occasions.

Castiel stared down at his wrist, where his counter was, and watched the number go down, with every step he took.





Castiel walked faster, the way the numbers twirled each timed they changed mesmerizing him. Before he knew it his counter had reached 1000, just as e was walking into the school.

"Morning, CasAss!" Castiel's best friend, Charlie said, as soo as he walked in the door.

Charlie was very energetic, and well, awesome. She doesn't care what people think, and she goes her won way. She's also a pretty great hacker.

"Good morning, Charlie." Castiel said, making his way to his first class.

Charlie jumped out in front of him. "Nah-ah-aaah," She said, shaking her finger in his face, "You, are going to tell me exactly how you feel. Exactly." She said

Castiel sighed. "I-I guess I'm happy? I mean, I hope she likes me, and is nice I guess." He said.

Charlie groaned. "You're impossible, Cazzer," She said, "At least tell me how many steps you have left." She ran her hands over her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2017 ⏰

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