Chapter two - Something About Him

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       Chapter two - "Something about him"

              Tears streamed down my face uncontrollably as my dad drove over the speed limit to the hospital. I sat in the driver's seat, my arms hugging my legs that were scrunched up to my chest; rocking slowly. I hoped it would somewhat calm me, but it didn't. I couldn't stay calm even if I really tried to, not when I know that my mother is in the emergency room right now, probably dying. 

               I was so lost in thought, that I didn't even notice we were at the hospital already until my dad opened his car door, in a rush to see his wife. I got out as quickly as he did, and we both ran towards the hospital doors. 

             "Rosaline Grey," My father panted to the lady at the front desk, sweat rolling down his forehead. 

         "Room 313B," the lady politely, said. My dad didn't need to be told twice as he ran to the room number. I've never seen him so stressed or worried. 

           Once we've found the hospital room, they wouldn't let us in. But we fought, trying to get to her, but we didn't fight hard enough. It was too late. 

            Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Bee-

        I woke up with a start, turning off my alarm. I was drenched with sweat and I was panting heavily, like I've just ran a marathon. Tears stuck to my skin as my body shook uncontrollably. I've never had these nightmares in a while. I was stupid enough to think that they've stopped. 

        A tear slid down my face, but I quickly wiped it away. I had to calm myself before I break down, afraid I might not stop.

      After a couple of minutes, I felt much better and pushed those traumatic memories to the back of my mind, and got up to go take a shower. 

      The cold water felt refreshing to my once sweaty body, and I felt much more awake. I sang some songs to keep myself preoccupied from thinking about my nightmare again. 

     After I was done with my shower, I got dressed into some denim jeans and a simple white top. It was getting a little bit hotter, so I didn't bother with a sweater. I looked at my reflection in the mirror, staring at the girl in front of me. I had the same features as my mother, brown hair and blue eyes. Freckles dotted my nose, more prominent than I was younger. 

     I kept my makeup to a minimum, and just brushed out my hair down for today. Gathering my stuff, I head downstairs to grab something to eat. 

     My dad didn't come home last night, doing God knows what, but I never ask when he comes home. Knowing he'll say the exact same thing he says all the time when I do ask, "I had to do a lot of work." Like I believe that bullshit, I always thought. 

        I offered Trinity a ride to school today, since she currently didn't have a car right now. She gave me her number yesterday, so she could text me the address to her house. 

      After I was done eating breakfast, I headed out to my car, inserting the address into my GPS. I followed the directions, to come to a destination of a cream colored house. Unlike my empty mansion, her house looked warm and welcoming. 

      I text her I was outside, in which she replied with a 'Ok (:' 

    A couple of seconds later, she walked out of her house, locking the door behind her. 

   Soon, we were arriving at school. After finding a parking space, we both got out and walked together to the school doors. I suddenly remembered about who I had to sit with in 7th period and the embarrassing thing I did just yesterday. A blush creeped onto my cheeks just thinking about it. 

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