Chapter 2 - Full Moon

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    I sat outside the base, leaning against the wall and throwing pebbles out into the dry grass. There was an hour and a half left until the full moon was up. An hour and a half until I could bring Jazz back, and possibly die doing so. 

    My attention drifted though, when a voice drew me out of my thoughts. I turned my head to look beside me, seeing Bumblebee in his holoform sitting beside me. "Hey Bee." I whispered softly, before looking ahead and throwing another small pebble.

    "Don't worry about it Nat, everything will turn out fine. You'll bring Jazz back and you will survive, you're tougher than most." he says, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and grinning at me.

    Bee could use his voice in his holoform, and I had to admit his accent, which was British, was sexy. I thought of Bee as an older brother though, nothing else nothing more.

    I sighed and leaned my head against his shoulder. "I hope you're right Bee." I whispered quietly, relishing in the peaceful moment before hearing the shouts coming from the hangar.

    It appeared that Optimus and Ratchet had gotten back from picking the shard up, from where the government had hidden it away so it wouldn't be found. Bee stood up first, before reaching his hand down and pulling me up.

    Together, both me and Bee made our way inside and over to where Optimus was standing in his holoform. When we finally got close enough, he held the shard out to me with a small smile on his lips.

    I took the shard from him, before surging forward and hugging him tightly. He reminded me of a father, much like I thought of the other Autobots as my family. Sure, I had my uncle and my cousin but the Autobots filled in the gaps that were missing in my family.

    I let go of him shortly after, wiping away the tears that had come to my eyes. "Thank you Optimus, this really means a lot." I whispered, standing on my tip toes and kissing his cheek softly. 

    "You are welcome Natasha. I should be thanking you since you are going to be bringing Jazz back." Optimus said in return, and I could see the happiness in his optics. Jazz was one of Optimus' closest friends, and the death of Jazz had hit all of the 'Bots hard.

    "Don't worry Optimus, in a few short hours Jazz will be alive and kicking and annoying us all by blaring his music and refusing to do paperwork." I mused, getting chuckles from all of the 'Bots along with a few of the soldiers around us.

    I heard a throat being cleared, and we all turned towards Ratchet who had a small smile on his face. "It's almost time Natasha." He says, making me look outside the huge hangar doors towards the moon was just starting to peek over the horizon.

    I suddenly felt nervous, as I bit my bottom lip. Would this work? Would I be able to bring him back, or would I fail? A hand on my shoulder snapped me out of my thoughts again, making me look up at the grumpy medic.

    "We have faith in you Natasha, we all know you will succeed in bringing him back." he says, his eyes showing faith and trust that everyone, Autobot and human, around me shared.

    A smile graced my lip as I nodded my head, opening my mouth to say something but stopping when the shard in my hands started glowing blue. I turned my attention down to the shard, feeling nervous yet excited about what I was about to do.

    A soft blue light filled my vision and the next thing I saw was complete and utter darkness, before a bright blue tinged white light filled my view making a gasp escape my lips. This was it, I was in the Well of the Allspark. It was time to bring Jazz back.

I hope your guys like this chapter! I had most of this typed up yesterday but there was a power outage, and it didn't save so I had to retype it up. It's better than it was yester~ Enjoy guys! ^.^

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