Chapter 5 - Talking with Jazz.

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                I laid there in the bed with me head hanging, waiting for Jazz to yell at me, scream at me, anything to show how angry, disappointed, or ashamed of me for doing something so foolish as to risk my very life to bring me back to life.

            The first thing he did though, caught me off guard. He surged forward and wrapped me in a tight hug, burying his head into my neck. My eyes widened and I sat there frozen a few seconds, before I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him back.

            “Femme, thank ya for saving me but you didn’ have to risk your life to save me.” He says, his accent there but faint. Not as thick as it was when he first arrived to earth and met us all. “I care about ya too much for ya to do somethin’ foolish like tha’.” He whispers, pulling away from me and giving me a stern look.

            I smiled sheepishly up at him, nodding my head. “I know Jazz, but when I saw you die… I was heartbroken, you were my friend. I couldn’t bare with you being dead, so when Primus told me I could bring you back to life well, I accepted.” I whispered, glancing away from those blue eyes of his I loved.

            Jazz shook his head and chuckles, sitting on the edge of the bed and taking me hand in his. “Its fine Lil’ Lady, but don’t ya ever do somethin’ tha’ foolish again. Ya nearly gave me a spark attack!” he explains, bringing my hand up and kissing it softly causing me to blush.

            “Alright Jazz, I promise I won’t do it again. You have to promise me you won’t die again though, or else I will do something this foolish again whether or not you like it or approve.” I said, giving him a look and smiling at him.

            Jazz simply chuckled and rolled his eyes. “What am I goin’ to do with ya, Lil’ Lady? Still pullin’ jokes, even after ya almost died.” He says, a small amused smile gracing his lips to let me know he was too angry with me.

            I simply grinned at him in return. “Of course I’m going to joke around Jazz, I need to lighten up the mood or else we’ll all die from the gloomy mood.” I told him, giving him an amused look.

            “Lil’ Lady, you are worse than the twins and tha’ is sayin’ a lot.” He says, rolling his eyes once again. “Think ya can stand up, Lil’ Lady?” he asks, standing up off of the bed and helping me sit up as well.

            “I think I can stand.” I said, slipping off of the bed and standing up straight. My legs were wobbly as I stood, and soon they gave out from underneath me but I was caught by familiar arms. “Hehe, maybe I can stand with a little help…” I said, smiling sheepishly up at Jazz.

            He simply chuckled and shook his head, helping me stand up before he wrapped an arm around my waist to keep me standing up. “What am I goin’ to do with ya, Lil’ Lady?” he asks, amusement in his voice as we slowly made our way out of the med bay.

            “Well, for starters you are going to carry me since I can’t walk properly. Then we can head to the kitchen, because I am starving and deserve a late night snack…” I said thoughtfully, rubbing my stomach as I realized how hungry I was.

            He rolled his eyes and picked me up bridal style, something I wasn’t prepared for because I had been joking when I had told him to carry me. A little squeak escaped my throat, causing him to burst into laughter.

            My cheeks heated up and went red in embarrassment as I buried my face into his neck to hide my blushing cheeks. “It’s not funny! I was joking about you carrying me Jazz, so I wasn’t prepared for you to actually pick me up…” I mumbled, trying to keep the amusement I felt out of my voice but failing miserably.

            “Mhm, sure Lil’ Lady.” He says, chuckling. “Now come on, before ya get hungry enough to start eatin’ anythin’ around ya.” He says, walking into the rec room and setting me down at the table in the room. “What do ya wanna eat, Lil’ Lady?”

            I thought for a moment, leaning back into my chair slightly before looking at Jazz and grinning. “Well, I am craving some chips along with some salsa and nacho cheese.” I declared, getting a look in return. “What, you are the one who asked!” I said, laughing.

            “Lil’ Lady, you are lucky I can look this all up on the web or else ya would be gettin’ fruit and nothin’ else.” He mutters, pushing his visor up his nose and blocking his eyes from my view. Moments later, he was working around the kitchen making me some food. The joy of someone making you food… I should do this more often!

Hey guys! I'm sorry for such the long wait, but I finally got my muse back!  I've been thinking, I just wanted to run this by you all and get your view, but what do you guys think about me ending this story?

Just one more chapter, with a big cliffhanger, and then make a sequel involving the cliffhanger?

Same characters, just different plot and storyline.

I just don't want to ruin the storyline I've set up here.

So, comment what you think!

I already have ideas for a sequel (and a name too) but I want your input!

Thanks for sticking with me guys, I love you all! 

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