Chapter 4 - Close Call

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                                           *3rd POV*

        Mikaela caught her cousin, her eyes wide with fear as she turned to where Ratchet was checking over Jazz. "Ratchet!" She yells, causing the medic to turn towards her quickly before rushing over towards her. He changes back into his holoform, having used his real form while checking over Jazz, and scans over her.

        Nothing, there was no sign except for faint and quickly fading brain waves. "We need to get her to my med bay, stat!" he yells, the others quickly leaping into action. Mikaela and Ratchet rushed towards the med bay, Mikaela was Ratchet's assistant and had been trained for this, and fortunately the mechs and femmes, both Cybertronian and human, moved out of the way quickly.

        "What's goin' on?! What's wrong with Nat?!" A voice rang out, his accent not as heavy as it was when he first arrived, worried about the young girl he had just seen being carried away. Jazz tried to run after the medic and Mikaela carrying away the femme he loved dearly, but Ironhide and the others were able to hold his small form back.

        "Jazz, you died back at Mission City." Optimus said, getting a look from Jazz that proved the mech remembered that much. "Primus visited Natasha in a dream and told her that she could bring you back but... at a price." He whispered the last part quietly, worried and begging optics meeting his.

        Jazz's visor had been lost during Mission City but there was his spare one somewhere around here. "Jazz, she could bring you back but the price... it could cost her something dear." He says, getting a frantic nod to go on ahead. "It could cost her, her life."

        The shock on Jazz's face was clearly seen, as the mech slid to the ground and sat the on his knees. "Why would she do tha' for me?" he whispers, coolant starting to slip out of his bright blue and sensitive optics. Everyone could now see it clearly, Jazz cared about Natasha as much as Natasha cared for Jazz.

        "Jazz, she did it because she knew you deserved a chance. She didn't want to get in between you and your second chance at life, so she ignored the risks and decided to go through with it and save you anyways." Optimus answers his question, looking down at the small mech below him.

        Everyone's helms snapped towards the door when Ratchet walked back in, looking  severely exhausted. Jazz quickly stood to his pedes, rushing over to the medic who was now back in his real form. "Doc, is she alright?! Is she goin' to live? Please tell me sh-"

        Ratchet quickly cut the mech off when he subspaced a wrench, hitting the mech upside the helm with it. He glares at the smaller mech, who was currently rubbing his helm in pain, as he subspaces the wrench away. "Jazz, she is perfectly fine. We were able to bring her back and she is stable. If you want to talk to her then by all means go ahead, she's awake and talking to Mikaela at the moment."

        The words barely left the medics mouth before Jazz was racing down the hangar halls, rushing towards the same way Ratchet had gone when rushing to save Natasha from dying. As soon as he reached the med bay and peered in, his spark calmed it's frantic humming when he finally saw a safe and sound Natasha. Letting out a small sigh of relief, he moved forwards towards the young human femme he loved with all his spark.

*Natasha's POV*

        I had been talking to my cousin, more like she was yelling at me about how stupid and foolish I was, until my attention drifted away from her when I heard footsteps walking into the med bay. I glanced away from her and my eyes met bright, blue  cyan optics that made my heart melt from the sight of those familiar optics.

        Eventually, my cousin noticed I wasn't paying attention and that was when she realized Jazz was in the room. She looked towards him and smiled sheepishly. "Sorry about that Jazz, I'll be leaving now." she says quickly, rushing away from the human sized medical berth I was still laying on. Thanks Mikaela, thanks for leaving me alone with the mech I love.

        My green eyes met cyan blue optics, then all of a sudden he had transformed into his alt form and his holoform slipped out. He slowly walked towards me, and every footstep I heard made me internally wince. I thought he was angry at me, but he looked so emotionless that... I felt myself become scared because he showed absolutely nothing.

        Something tells me this isn't going to end well for me or for him, and I hope that I can leave this med bay without having shed a single tear. I knew that the others had told him, which was probably the only reason he was here with an emotionless look on his face and in the eyes I loved so dearly.

        Finally, he reached the human sized medical berth I was laying on and stood at the end of it. His blue cyan eyes bore into my green ones, and I found myself looking deep into his eyes for something, anything! "We need to talk." he says, his gruff voice catching me off guard and I just nodded hesitantly. I had a bad feeling about this. Nothing ever goes right when a guy says 'We need to talk.'

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