Unforgettable chapter 6

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Chapter 6. Big problem

I woke up in so much pain, I was screaming, Troy rang Bianca to drive us to the hospital.

We got to the hospital and Troy did every and we got to a doctor who quickly hooked me up to cables, and gave me tablets to take I made sure the had no affect on the baby. He told me and Troy that the was a second baby in my stomach, the pain was the squishing between the second on and first one pushing on you water which pushed on your stomach. But cause your young it's gonna be hard, but there was a 14 year old girl who had twins about 3 days ago like I said painful and hard but you have strong will power Ellie!

My stomach and gut were killing me, I was going pale and went into shock I couldn't breathe I felt so ill, my heart was beating so fast. Troy stayed by my side the whole time. I got taken to hospital it got so bad.

Troy, Bianca, Casey, Halley, elliot, Evan and Kate waited for me in the hospital waiting room.

The nurse walked in with news for Troy and my friends " Ellie is less than 2 months till birth yes?" The nurse asked

"Yes why what's going on?" They all asked hoping for good news

"We need to take the babies out now, Ellie will die and so will they if we don't operate now" the nurse explained

Troy and my friend looked at the nurse in horror they had all heard that word die and never wanted to go through the pain of the meaning again.

The nurse came back taking my bed into the operating theater I already knew that I was getting operated on, they gave me sleeping tablets so the. I wouldn't feel the operation it was meant to keep me asleep for 2-3 hours.

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