Unforgettable chapter 4

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Chapter 4. The baby

About 7weeks later, I was living in troys apartment with him, cause he made heaps of money of the doll payment and he worked at maccas and sometimes red roster. He made about 900$ a week which is amazing!

Troy was at work, I was gonna go with him but I felt so sick, I felt run down and the weird thing I haven't had my period in ages....wait oh no. I could be....pregnant! I put on some runners and grabbed a jacket and ran out the door to the chemist which was on around the corner, I grabbed a pregnancy test and ran home. I went to the toilet and did it and then waited....................SHIT! I'm pregnant!!!!!!!!

I fell asleep on the couch with the pregnancy stick in my hand which was stupid, Troy got home saw it in my hand grabbed it and saw that I was pregnant he woke me up

"Ellie are we having a baby?" He said happily

"Yes" I smiled

I looked down thinking about how hard it's gonna be to have a kid.

"Ellie what's the matter babe, I'm here"

"I'm just scared I don't know what to do" I started to tear

"BAby it will be fine I'm here for you and my sister who's 30 will help and so will my nana" he smiled and reassured me it gonna be okay.

I opened my arm and hugged him so tightly " we gonna have a baby" I whispered in excitement.

About 12 weeks later.

I was getting pretty big and so were my boobs! I'm about 5 months along now, Troy still went to work but made sure Stacey or Bianca or troys sister Ilene was there to attend to me. He was being so good and taking care of me.

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