XIII - Explain

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| Vylad's PoV |

So the night went on with many explanations. Mostly Lucinda and Dante spoke, talking about the whole two months, the first night up until first meeting Kim. I was down in the water, translating what they say to the other two mers. Kim seemed to understand a few words while Garroth only dumbly nodded, hiding behind me.
   Soon enough they're finished speaking to Laurance how everything happened. That's a good half an hour used up.
   "Damn." He says, after all those words of explanation, it's all he says.
   "You're not going to say anything else?" Lucinda questions, putting her hand on her hip in a sassy gesture.
   "I mean, what else is there to say? I didn't believe in then and know I'm here, looking at mermaids." He motions to us, ecstatic.
   "We'll explain it later." Dante says, shrugging down his shoulder because they still have to explain more once I've left.
   "Well. This makes a lot more sense than what the group and I determined before Travis joined you two." The caramel haired male says, tossing his slightly longer locks to the side.
   "What do you mean?" Dante asks, and Travis audibly gives an oh. He must know what Laurance references.
   "Well, uh, everyone had noticed you two going outside at night most days, so we began having suspicions..." It's not Laurance's time to explain a bit. "Basically, because you guys, excluding Travis, would go out and be outside for a while, so... naturally... we thought you two were dating."
   Lucinda gasps, offended. Dante nearly chokes.
   "What? Why is the world would you think we were dating?" Lucinda speaks, seeming so surprised.
   "I mean, you would always spend time together! We didn't know you had other people with you! It just popped into someone's head and we all went along with it." Laurance flails slightly, trying his best to defend his previously judgement.
   "Who in their right mind would even think that?" Dante asks in bewilderment.
   "No wonder the girls were constantly trying to ask me if I liked anyone.." My orange haired friend says aloud, looking up with a finger tapping her chin.
   Dating? They've explained something like that before. If I remember correctly, then it's about finding out if you have romantic feelings for another person. It's a strange idea, everyone underwater is assigned to someone. We don't have the pressure of trying to find a mate. Although, this whole process of finding someone yourself could be pretty fun.
   So, Lucinda dating Dante? I can't really picture it. Just thinking about it makes me feel an familiar pang in my chest -- jealousy. I don't know why exactly I feel it, as the other times its only been because someone has something that I want or can't get. But in this case, who am I jealous of?
   Lucinda? Then that'd make the something I want... Dante?
   No, that doesn't seem quite right.
   Or does it? Is this what like is?
   There has always been a new type of feeling when I talk to him alone... maybe it's this... like.
   Agh, this is confusing. I'll talk to him about this once it get the chance. Something tells me this is more personal.
   I snap out of the conversation with myself and pay more attention to the conversation outside my brain. We've moved from explaining to Laurance to introducing him. The mer side of the group gives him greetings.
   I suppose this is where I should formally introduce Garroth as well. I step up, motioning to Garroth and tell the humans his name. He gets confused as to why I'm grabbing him, and I tell him that I'm telling them his name. He seems nervous and still a little uncomfortable because of his entrance, but he doesn't say anything about it.
   There is a small silence after the humans say their salutations to Garroth.
   "So, Garroth, then." Travis initiates another chat. "Is he your brother that has those special powers?"
   "No. Who you speak of is Zane, the middle brother. This is the eldest, the one who going to inherit the family name." I say, sneakily glaring daggers at my older brother. He doesn't seem to notice. He only keeps his distance from the boardwalk, yet constantly eyes the one in the striped shirt. Laurance, I suppose. Even when I'm one of two people who speak his language he still won't even care to look at me.
   I shake away my negative vibe, looking back up.
   "Oh... well you should introduce this Zane to us." Travis says whilst grinning. "I'd like to know more of your family."
   "Bad idea." I reply, thinking of my mother at first, then remembering how furious my father would be with us if we made contact with the surface unsupervised. But to find out we had been talking and making friends with humans, we'd never leave the house without our guardians. He already does that with Zane.
   It's not that he has bad intentions, I know that, but sometimes I wish he wouldn't be so uptight. Humans are actually really great once you get to know them.
   "I don't think you'll be meeting more than these two right here." I say, motioning to Garroth and I. "Zane is constantly under house arrest and I could never confess to my parents that I've made friends with humans. I wouldn't be surprised if they'd disown me."
   "Yeah, you've mentioned that he can't leave, but why? It's still a little fuzzy to me." Lucinda asks.
   "Yes, why can't little ZuZu join us?" Kim also asks with a low yet whiny tone. She puts on a pouty face while giggling quietly.
   I get creeped out slightly by her swing in mood, but answer anyway:
   "Well, you all know he's gifted, or whatever. But basically my father has assigned a type of spirit type of creature to looks after him constantly. So basically the creature -- called a plythronn -- circles the house spire day and night. It almost caught me a couple times when I was sneaking out at night." I admit, recalling once where I was barely saved by a huge sea serpent attacking the area where I live. If it didn't create a distraction Opal would've caught me for sure. "Father does this so that Zane goes nowhere unsupervised. Especially to the surface. My parents are scared that he'll get killed by the humans because he has different scales. The same happened to the queen, although that happened a very long time ago."
   "Oh." Travis says, clearly feeling intimidated of a sort.
   "Yeah, both Garroth and I have our own type of guardians, although ours are a lot less attentive."
   "I can see that. I mean, you've been able to sneak out for almost all of the past two months." Dante says, snickering slightly. I smile.
   We continue to talk about things such as the new members and other random things. The night goes on, slowly dragging twinkling stars across the sky until we all agree to call it a night. I wonder how they'll explain Laurance not going back in immediately after going out to yell at us. I just hope they don't spill our secret yet.
   But before I leave I quietly motion to Dante to meet me a little earlier tomorrow.
   I need to ask him a few questions.

Ay two updates in one day. Well technically two (it's two am help mee).
Also a small bit of Vylante? Idk I feel like I might be forcing it a little.
Also fun drinking game: take a shot every time the word explain is read

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