Wait... Where am I??

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Yes, I'm putting myself in the story of Hercules!! *wolf whistles can be heard, bowing* Thank you, thank you. Now, How I'm going to do this is that I will start with me as I am now, doing something when I somehow end up in the story, and I will then become the same age as Hercules, growing up with him, if that makes any sense. Also, up top is what I look like! Enjoy!!

"Come on, come on, come on.... YES!!! Take that, Ansem!! Boo-yah!!" I say out loud, doing a dance on my bed after defeating Ansem for the final fight on Kingdom Hearts, laughing and smiling. I played this and KH2 so many times, I know what everyone is gonna say before they say it, and I just love playing them because, come on, it's freaking awesome!!

Anyway, once the ending credits finish, I turn off my PS2, and go to the living room to watch TV. I change the channel to Freeform, and Hercules was just starting! "Sweet! I love this movie," I said, quickly getting something to drink and sitting down, smiling as the Muses tell the narrator that they were gonna take care of telling the story.

Over time, I started to feel sleepy, curling up on the couch, still watching the movie before passing out, feeling myself falling, and when I wake up, I notice right away something wasn't right. I get up and go to the window, seeing Mount Olympus in the distance, then I look down at myself, and notice that my clothes changed and I was.... Smaller?

"What in Hades is going on...? Wait, what am I saying?!" I tried to say, but it came out as babbles. 'Am I... a toddler?!?!' I thought to myself, turning around to see a man come over to me and pick me up. He must be my dad, because he has brown hair and brown eyes, like I do, and I heard him say, "What are you doing by the window, Brandi? You could hurt yourself... Come now, let's get you something to eat."

Then he went to the kitchen and handed me to my 'mother', who actually looks like my Mom back home: long, blonde hair and blue eyes, and she smiles at me and soon sits down and gives me milk.

"My darling Brandi... You will do great things one day, I know it." 'Mother' said to me, smiling softly at me as I drank. Then once I was done, she picked me up and gently patted my back, causing me to burp, hearing my 'parents' chuckle. "Don, are you sure that she will be alright? I mean, I know that she will be big and strong, but... It's going to be hard for her, not having any siblings to grow up with..." Mother said to Father, holding me close as he hugs us both gently, the both of them watching me fall asleep.

"Yes, I'm sure, Laurie... I have a feeling that the Gods will be with her as she grows up, and I'm certain that she will meet someone who she can look up to, and even protect if she has to." Father said, chuckling, kissing my head lightly before continuing, "She will do great things one day, and she will be able to grow strong, with the Gods on her side, she can do anything. And, I have a feeling that Amphitryon and his wife will be granted a child after all their years of praying to the Gods for a child of their own."

As I fall asleep, I can't help but think one final thought, 'I'm in the movie!! Wait... Does that mean... That I will grow up with Hercules?!?! Sweet!!!' Then I am fast asleep, not realizing that a thunderstorm had started, which means that Pain and Panic, Hades' minions, took Hercules from Olympus and made him mortal.

Soon, when I wake up from a nightmare, my parents comfort me, then my father goes to see Amphitryon and his wife, making sure that they are alright. My mother holds me close while walking over to the window, and I see lightning striking across the sky, whimpering. "Shh.... It's alright, young one.... It's alright...." Mother said to me, rocking me gently back and forth, making me feel at ease.

'I guess that whatever it is I'm doing here, I'm sure that I will do my best.' I thought to myself, watching the sky, wondering how Hercules is. After some time, the sky calms down, and my father comes back, telling my mother about the new baby boy that Amphitryon and his wife found, saying, "He was a cute little fella, I'll tell you that much, and he's about Brandi's age, maybe a little older. Plus, from what Amphitryon told me, he took out a couple snakes and threw them high into the air like they were nothing!"

"Really? Well then, he is going to be a very strong young man when he grows up. I'm sure he will make one lucky girl happy one day." Mother said, looking at my father while rocking me gently, me looking at him, wonder and curiosity in my eyes.

He chuckled, looking at me, then he said, "Yes... And the interesting thing of all is that there was a medallion around the boy's neck, with a name on it and the symbol of the Gods on it. His name is Hercules, it seems, and when I saw him, I knew that he was special.... And I knew that he will be perfect for our daughter," he gently picks me up, holding me close so his eyes would connect with mine, smiling at me as I lay my little hands on his face.

'Yes, my daughter, you and Hercules will do great things, and I will be a proud father' My father thought to himself while he lightly tickled me, chuckling as I squirmed around, giggling.

I never thought that I would be in this situation.... Actually in a Disney movie, about to grow up with Hercules, and go on the adventure he goes on.

'Looks like I might be a hero too, if that's what I'm here for,' I thought to myself, smiling as I am being held by my father, soon falling asleep by the sound of his heartbeat. I'm going to grow up with Earth's greatest hero.... I wonder what will happen in the end if he doesn't fall in love with Meg. Oh boy....'

Well, here we go! That's how I got into the world of Hercules!! Now, I hope you like this, so follow, comment and vote! Peace out! *throws peace signs and walks away with swag*

I'm... I'm in the world of Hercules?! (Disney's Hercules Love story)Where stories live. Discover now