Chapter 1

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 "Lily for the last time!"

Mathew Robert Smith was officially annoyed.

He and his girlfriend, Lily James were currently fighting on the matter of engagement. Lily had been trying to give hints that she wanted him to propose for the past month, Matt was just plain mad at this point, she'd threatened she'd break up with him if he didn't propose soon. Sometimes he didn't know why he kept her around.

They kept up the disguise of being the perfect couple in public but in private it was like a war zone.

"What are you seeing another women!" she yelled.

"For the love of God no!" he yelled back.

"Then why are you so hesitant what've you got to lose! Nobody else wants you!" Lily yelled at his face.

Matt felt fury rise up in him,"Do you know how many girls I've turned down to stay loyal to you! Hell and look how your repaying me!"
"Repaying me for sticking with your sorry ass!?" Lily yelled and shoved him.

"For the love of... Lily I have stuck with you despite your stupid comments and snotty remarks can you show me that I've been doing it for a reason!" Matt yelled.

"You've been doing it to ruin my life!" Lily yelled, her nose now against his.

"It's your call if you want to break up!" Matt screamed back.

"Now your promoting the idea, what kind of boyfriend are you!" she said and pushed him backward.

Matt stumbled and tripped over the glass table in the lounge and cried out when he landed in a pile of glass.

"For the love of!" his girlfriend slapped a hand to her forehead.

Matt stood back up despite now being injured,"Get out!" he yelled.

"Get out!"

Lily glared and slapped his cheek,"I will very much NOT get out, I have half my things here and you just broke the coffee table I Payed for! If anyone's getting out it's you!"
"Me!? I payed for the apartment I feed your cat!"

"I never asked you to!" She screamed.

"Fine!" Matt yelled.

"I'm leaving!" he stomped to the door.

"Come back soon Smith you got a image to hold up!" Lily yelled.

"SHUT UP!" He roared.

He grabbed his coat and swung it over himself to hide the glass and protect him from the pouring down rain outside. He pointed his middle finger at his girlfriend and slammed the door.

"Bloody James." he muttered under his breath as he left the apartment and went down the stairs.

Now where the hell was he supposed to stay for the night?

"Left my bloody car keys in the flat. Wallet?" he checked his pockets.

"No cab then." he grumbled.

"Phone?" he checked his pockets again.

"Bingo." he muttered.

He had low battery so he had to be quick.

Mum and dad and most people he knew were far away from his flat, maybe he could call up Claire? No she was on vacation. Who to call?

He checked his contacts, it seemed his only option was to call up old doctor who friends, he rarely talked to anybody from Doctor Who any more.

He frowned and thought of who to call, maybe Alex? No, he hated to bother her, last he heard she was trying to get a reign on her 16 year old daughter.

No... he couldn't call Steven for obvious reasons.

Maybe Karen?

Yes she didn't have anything that big going on right now... well apart from Jumanji but she seemed like the best choice.

3% on his phone, time to work fast.

He clicked on Karen's contacts and waited impatiently for Karen to pick up.

After four rings she did.

"Matt? Why are you calling me... it's three AM!"

"Look Karen my phones about to die, can you pick me up from my flat, I got kicked out and I'm a bit bruised up."

Karen sounded a bit flabbergasted and annoyed but she said,"Uh sure, adress?"

After giving it to her his phone promptly died.

He cursed and stuffed it in his pocket before heading for the front door, wincing as a glass shard rubbed none too gently against the wall.

"Bloody table."

He had to wait about thirty minutes before Karen arrived.

She stepped out of her car and he immediately recognized his hair.

"About time Gillan." he grumbled.

"You bloodied yourself up bad, the hell happened to your face?" she asked shining her phone light on his face.

Forgetting, somehow despite the stinging pain in his face that his face had taken the brunt of the fall into the table as he'd somehow managed to twist around before falling into the table, he muttered "Oh." before he said.

"I'll tell you later but for now let's get out of here before the press starts arriving and getting ideas."

Karen rolled her eyes,"Try not to get to much blood on the seat."

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