Chapter 2

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 Matt winced as Karen removed a glass shard from his face,"Your lucky as hell." she muttered.

 "Nothing's gonna scar."

 Matt felt relieved about that, other things... not so much.

 "What happened to you anyway?" Karen asked as she pulled yet another piece out,"I know you said you got 'kicked out' and 'in a fight' but could you be more specific?"

 Matt felt uncomfortable sharing his true relationship with Lily and was tempted to make something up but...

 "Oh don't do that face." Karen muttered,"I can tell your trying to think of some excuse."

 "What's the worse that could've happened? What you fell over a table in the bar? True your somber and that's a bit embarrassing but..." She stopped as she pulled the last piece out.

 "I'm going to get some peroxide, if you move-" Karen let Matt imagine what she'd do instead of wasting her breath. Matt wasn't going to move in the first place, however, now that he'd heard the fiery threats of a hot headed ginger he hardly dared to breath.

 A few moments later, Karen came back with a bottle of peroxide and a bag of cotton balls.

 "Well what did happen though?" Karen asked,"You seem involved in a lot of drama lately, I heard you were 'held at gunpoint' at some bar."

 Matt winced at the memory,"I was drunk..." he muttered.

 "As for the glass..." Matt sighed and resolved to tell Karen the truth, after all once she'd been one of his most trusted confident's. 

 "I guess I'll start from the beginning..."

"Lily and I were both pretty famous when we met for the first time, she wasn't Cinderella famous yet but still... we had a similar group of friends and she seemed nice enough. Pretty soon just me and her started spending time together." Matt sighed.

 "I liked who she was as a person... at least who I thought she was as a person. It wasn't until we officially announced our relationship when things got bad. The day after Lily was all rude and naggy and needy. I thought it was just a one day thing but it was there for weeks before I got pissed about it. One day she asked me to get her laptop which was closer to her than me, and also in arms length distance so I told her to get it herself. I was sick of her. Then she just glared at me and randomly started yelling..." Matt looked troubled as he spoke and Karen stopped what she was doing (healing up his cuts) and placed her hand on his. Matt flinched and looked her way with one eyebrow cocked upward.

 "Sorry..." she muttered,"Looked liked you needed it."

 He gave her smile before talking again,"Pretty soon I started yelling too, mainly just questioning why she was yelling, kind of pointless honestly but that was how it started. Soon everyday we got together we would scream our heads off."

 Karen was confused by this, in public Matt and Lily seemed like the perfect couple... she supposed though... things weren't what they seemed more often then anyone wished. 

 "It only got worse." Matt continued glumly,"I admit that it was me first, mind you an accident though. We were having another one of our rows, about a year ago. Lily said something, I can't even remember, and I flipped. I just slapped her... I regretted it immediately and I was starting to apologize when she slapped me back, we had a full on fist fight... I had to make up something about a bar fight." Matt took a breath,"We toned it down, but we still got physical, we had another fight tonight and she shoved me into a coffee table."

 Karen searched Matt's eyes for a reason why,"Why the hell would you put up with it, either of you?" she asked.

 "Because we have blacksmail." Matt sighed,"Both of us and neither trust the other not to reveal it."

 Karen made a silent "O" with her mouth before she stood up.

  "I've finished your face, don't move it that much and you should be fine." Karen said,"You can have the couch." she said.

 "You don't have an extra bedroom?" Matt asked glumly.

"No, sorry." Karen said sympathetically.

 "Well goodnight Karen." Matt said.

 Karen sighed,"'night Matt." before she moved out of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2018 ⏰

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