Kate The Killer

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It is time for me to tell you my crappy story. I don't really like sharing it with other people but... It was winter. School, home, homework, sleep, school, home, homework, sleep. The same freaking story. The weather was cold. Perfect, just how I want it to be.
"Mum I'm going to school!" I yelled.
"Aren't you gonna eat?" my mum yelled back.
I just shut the door behind me. My mum wouldn't care for me anyway. Pf I don't care anyway. My dad came out running.
"Aren't you gonna goodbye your father?" He smiled.
I smiled and hugged him. "Sorry dad. Goodbye". I giggled.
He smiled and kissed my forehead. "Bye Kathy. Take care."
I nodded and made my way to school. My dad... He was the one to care about me. I loved him so much. I can say he was the only reason I was alive. I reached at my school. Before I enter the door I looked at the whole school. What a crappy school. I hated it. Full of demons. Full of hate. Full of Roger. Roger was my demon. He would look down on me as soon as h e could. He and his "dogs" were laughing. But I don't care about them.
I signed and entered the school. I was the school's most lonelinest girl. I wouldn't talk to anybody I didn't want to. I passed all my schoolmates. They were looking at me whispering to each other. I just ignored them. "Oh look it's the freak Kate the freak!!" "ahahahaha" "I bet she is adopter" "Hahahaha!". I would listen to their comments. And those laughters..... I sat there all alone and I looked down. Suddenly I heard Roger's voice; "Oh look! It's Kate The Freak! You haven't showed up twice! What's the matter? Did you realize how USELESS you are?" They start laughing. "My grandma died Roger..." I said. I wasn't looking at him. If I did I would burst into tears. "Aw so sad. Maybe she understood that you are still alive!" They started laughing again. More like barking. I really wanted to smash his face. But I couldn't... I looked at my shaking hands. I felt dizzy. I decided to go. I quickly stood up and made my way but he grabbed my hand. "Where do you think you're going green eyes?" he grinned evily. "Let me go!" I yelled! I really wanted to go. He wouldn't leave me. Suddenly some voices startd whispering at me in my head "Hit, Harm, Kill, REVENGE, HIT, HARM KILL, REVENGE!" I closed my eyes and then BAM! My fist was shoved into Roger's face. He backed of in pain and hished. I placed my hands on my mouth "Roger I..." "You........ are.... DOOMED!!" he started hitting me. I gasped in pain begging him to stop. He wouldn't listen. I was crying and screaming hoping that this would stop! People started gathering around us. Blood, blood everywhere. I started feeling dizzy. I couldn't help. I stopped fighting back. I felt weak. Then all went black.
I woke up in my house. My dad was starring at me.
"She-She's alive!!! SHE IS OKAY!!" he yelled happilly and hugged me. "D-Dad? What.... Uh.. What happened?" I opened my eye but I couldn't open my right one. "Auch!! My eye!" "Um... Honey about that....." my dad said and looked down. I looked at him in horror and run to a close mirror. I looked and I saw.... My right eye had a big scratch on it and..... I was blind by my right eye! It's color was pale blue. I looked down in shock. I placed my hand on my head. And then I just...... Laughed. Without reason! I looked at my father. I-It's okay dad. It's okay. I laughed more. I couldn't stop. My dad was looking at me. The next day was Saturday. I decided to go for a walk. I wore a white T shirt and a pair of shorts. High socks and blue shoes. I grabbed my purple hoodie and goodbyed by mother. It was night. I was looking down walking in the streets. I just wanted to clear my mind. When I looked up I realized I was in a very narrow street. No people no cars no anything.Then I heard a voice behind me. "Well, well weeeeeell." I could recognise his voice. It was Roger. I turned back at him to face him. "What do you want?" I said. "Revenge Kath... Revenge... Because of you they gave me the "red cart. And now you are doomed Kate..." He start punching me as stong as he could. His "dogs" were doing the same. I was really dizzy. They had hit my head. I couldn't do anything. "What's the matter Kathryn? Do you want to bleed a little EMO BITCH?" He kicked me and I fell in the road. At all of the sudden BAM! A car hit me. Everything went black. The last thing I remember is the screams.... I gasped as I woke up in a hospital. I looked around me. A nurse came and took care of me. "You are very lucky you are alive. Don't worry you'll be out of here in 20 minutes. " "Thanks" I signed and made my way to the bathroom. "Um don't go in there!!" the nurse yelled "You don;t have to see.... Yourself honey..." I run into the bathroom and looked at myself. My skin was pale to death, my right eyebrow had disappeared, a very dark shaddow has appeared down my both eyes.... I screamed and back off. I was a freak. Like everyone said. I couild'nt believe it.... I got to my home and opened the door . My mother was crying. She looked at me. "YOUR FATHER DIED BECAUSE OF YOU!!" She said. I gave her a confused look. "He shot himself 'cause he thought you were dead! AH! LOOK AT YOU! YOU LOOK LIKE A FREAK JUST BECAUSE YOU WANTED TO STAND UP TO A BULLY! LOOK AT YOU!" I widen my eye and looked at her. I started laughing. I laughed as loud as I could. I went to the kitchen and grabbed a big knife. I killed her. Blood everywhere. I started laughing again. I looked at my ripped mother. "You.... Are... Doomed".
went crazy. I know it. Now I am a freak. Hahaha..... I know I am.... After I killed my mother I felt so strong and powerful. I start killing more poeple. I JUST AHAHAHA I CAN'T STOP DOING IT!! All this blood!! It smells so good! All those screams.... I wanted revenge. I wanted to kill Roger and his dogs.... And I would do it for free.... Haheha..... I got to his house... He was sleeping. Good. He will sleep forever. I entered in his room by his window. I was quiet I always was. I held my knife. I climbed his bed and smiled from ear to ear. He woke up. He saw me and widen his eyes. He started screaming. I smiled at him and said "You... Are... Doomed". I started stabbing him. Ah his blood all over me.... I ripped every piece of him..... I laughed and killed his parents too.
Some people are just unlucky. I wasn't. At all. But now I'm not incecure. I am Kate The Killer. And you... Are... Doomed....

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