You open your eyes, but there isn’t anything to see. It’s all blank- whether its white, or black, it doesn’t matter. But then it does- a blinding light fills your eyes, and you squint away. When you open them again, you’re in a building. No, not a building- a train. The windows show the scenery outside moving at such a speed that you can’t even tell what you’re passing by. The interior is simple but sophisticated- mostly white, with a few booths set up against the left wall.
There is a mirror leaning up against the opposite wall. It stands right in front of you, making it easy to admire yourself. You look sharp in a black and white suit. You return to looking around.
As you’re looking around, another light flashes in front of you. It isn’t as blinding as the last one- its softer. Once it disappears, there are words in its place. The strange thing is that they aren’t facing you- they’re backwards to you. You can still read them. “Choose your character!” After a moment, several smaller lights appear and disappear, leaving in their place several names. Next to you on both sides, the names say “Locked”. You have a name floating in front of you, as well. Strangely enough, it’s your own.
Another few moments of eerie silence pass before a small pinging noise echoes in the train car. You can’t move anymore. The train passes into a pitch-black tunnel, and you can’t see either; then, you can’t feel anything. Its as if you’re floating.
When you can see and feel again, you’re in front of a wall. Your movements still aren’t your own, but it doesn’t feel as though an outside force is influencing you, either- its more as though its all in your subconscious. There are several other kids your age laughing near a gate. They hold a pair of chain cutters. Your mouth opens, and you hear yourself say something.
“Guys, is this really such a good idea? They say this place is really dangerous at night.” Your voice is shaking.
“Aw, (y/n), don’t tell me you’re scared?” One of them, the one holding the cutters, sticks his tongue out at you. He has white hair, and is much bulkier than you. He probably wouldn’t have any troubles dealing with any danger that might lay in wait. “Its just a bunch of buildings full of mannequins.” You find yourself remembering that his name is…
“Ryo, you know (he/she/they) have every right to be.” The other guy glances over at you sympathetically. He seems much nicer, with longer black hair and a more delicate frame. You think his name is Jay. “You can stay behind, if you’d like.”
A third voice butts in- you realize it comes from the right of you. This voice belongs to a tall girl with threateningly pink hair, and an aura that you think would be quite intimidating to many people. “Yeah, (y/n). We’re coming back tomorrow, right? Stay today, and we’ll scout it out and tell you if it’s really that dangerous when we get back.” You remember her name to be Hyru.
You agree, still somewhat hesitantly, with them. Ryo gives you a grin and a thumbs up after he cuts the wire, as the others enter- you think he must be much nicer than he acts. Then they disappear behind the previously locked gate, into the park.
The next time you see them is in the pale of the morning, when their bodies- or what’s left of them- is being brought out on a gurney.
The past week didn’t actually happen. You’re sure of it. Everyone says it happened, and that you acted fairly normally during it, but everything went black after the incident. You’re standing in front of the wall again. This time, it’s during the day. You have shivers running down your spine, although whether it’s from actual fear, or just fear of the memory, you aren’t sure. This world you woke up in is strange.
There are more words, like there were on the train. “Make your way to the ticket house.” Is that what you’re supposed to do? What ticket house? Why would you need to do that?

CreepyPasta Collections #1
HorrorCreepypasta might be real or not but they make your nightmares come true... Monster don't live under your bed, they live inside your head... Did you ever notice some strange creature or human like person stalks you everyday? Or maybe your mind is p...