...Run. *continuation of What*

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*General POV*
.....An awkward silence rang between the two countries. Denmark then sat up, backing up against the wall of the closet. Denmark was blushing and spluttering a combination of "sorry!!" and "don't kill me please" and "ohmygodimsosorrythatwasanaccidentiswear!" Norway was just sitting there with a dark expression on her face. She then yelled "FINLANDDDDDDD!!!" And proceeded to break the closet door down and start hunting down Finland whilst Sweden ran off to protect his wife. Iceland and Denmark were the only ones left there, and soon Iceland said "Please don't tell me what happened in there." However, Denmark being himself, Denmark  started explaining what happened whilst saying "I swear it was an accident." And "Please don't kill me"

*Later, Diary POV*
Dear Diary,
I'm going to KILL Finland when I see her. I swear to god she's trying to set something up. I will find out what and make sure it comes to an end. Oh and when I checked the kitchen, I saw that the Kringla container was missing. She better not have stolen it again, it's either her or Iceland took it for once...... Oh, I think I found a lead to where Finland might be. I'll be back as soon as I can.

Word count: 207 ^
Why am I still awake. It's literally 1:15 am here. @~@ send help if ik still awake at 4:00 am. Anyways: hope you guys liked this chapter and also, sorry for not updating much. But hey- I have a life (not really.) too you know. Well, this is all for today's chapter. See you guys

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