Chapter III: Departure

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— Tell me my dear girl, what is your strong point? — Asked Victoria.

— Strong point? I dunno. Maybe, an art?

— I was hoping that you'd say cooking, — Grey mumbled.

— I see. Then I'll free one place at purple house for you.

— But, your majesty... My assignment is to observe your watch dog, isn't it? Is he skilled enough at art to get there? I'll observe him better if we will be in the same house.

— You're talking back to me. Again. I do not know exactly which house will he be in, so I can't guarantee that two of you will be together, you're going to purple house, it's decided. — Victoria gave you the deal–with–it look.

— Understood, your majesty. — You slightly bowed, she looked pretty scary right now.

— You name will be Earl Ray White. You can get ready, now.

Phipps quietly handed you the documents.

You've left the room and headed to your room.

— F**k, where was my room again?

Fortunately you've heard footsteps.

— Grey! I'm lost. Again. — You whined.

— You can call me by my name, after all what happened between us. — He tried to be seductive, but failed because he blushed like a school girl.

— You mean that one moment when you ate my food? — You rolled your eyes.

— I'll guide you to your room, — He said, linking his arm with you.

— WOW, since when are you so polite? Are you alright? Is something bothering you? — You stopped, looking at him.

— Nothing... it's just that... I... nothing.

— Please tell me. I'm worried.

— Oh, you're worried about me? Actually, I'm not surprised, it's obvious that you have your eyes on me.

— Wha?! Stop smirking like an utmost idiot and tell me what happened. — You've blushed more than him.

— I just... I will... miss you... I admit. — He turned his back to you, so you couldn't see his face.

— I know, you will spend less time at the table now.

— No, that's not it... I mean, that fact makes it even worse, but... look I like you even without food, see? — He quickly turned around and pecked you on the lips, before turning his back to you again.

— I like you too... — You said quietly, hugging him from behind, — Even though you're a terrible tutor, after the days of training we learnt nothing but the worse manners than we had before, but at least I'm better at food fight now, I even made your hair dirty once.

— Be careful, alright? Take these with you, — He said, handing you twin daggers.

— Thank you! They're very beautiful! And sharp.

— Her majesty ordered me to get clothing for you and I thought it would be nice if I'd give you weapons too, just in case. That little brat is quite tricky, you should be careful.

— I'll be fine, thank you.

— Clothing is in your room, let's keep going.

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