Chapter VIII: Dance

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You were at the large dinning hall, which was full of guests. You were wearing a purple dress, pretending to be Ray White's twin sister. You felt very sad, knowing that everything would end soon, so sad that you couldn't really hear what was Lizzie squealing about your dress while tugging at your sleeve.

— Leave her alone, Elizabeth!!! — Her mother scolded.

Green lions entered the hall, followed by the red foxes, then violet wolves appeared. Gregory grabbed one guest by the shoulder, you weren't sure if he wanted to move her out of his way or give her a jump scare, in which case he succeed. Owls flew into the hall and you moved away, afraid that they'd poop on your dress. After blue house students entered hall, prefects light the fire and the tournament opened.

Everything was going the way it was supposed to be. Blue house won and soon they ended up in the water, much to everyone's amusement. You've looked at the beautiful fireworks.

Grey, Phipps and his chicken joined prefects at the table, what caused table to get evidently empty, while Grey's checks grew bigger. You were just standing on the corner and collecting courage before approaching Violet.

— Shell we dance? — You've asked him when Redmond fulfilled the wish of Bluewer's sister and started to dance with her.

— I hate dancing, it makes me dizzy. — He pouted cutely, showing that he was still angry.

— Come on, one slow dance won't kill you. I've heard so much about you, I longed to meet the tyrant who was giving my annoying brother numerous Y. Please, dance with me!

— I agree about annoying part, — He glared at you before standing up.

Grey frowned at your flirting and took his anger out on more food.

Violet was glaring at you while dancing, but you were still enjoying his closeness.

— You look better when you're not dressed as man. — He whispered.

— Is that a compliment or a polite reminder that I'm the disgusting liar?

— You're sharp. — He praised you, making you giggle.

Then he fell down.

— Violet! — You looked at him worried and helped him up.

— I'm fine... I'm just dizzy and hungry.

— Hungry? Weren't you sitting at the table? — You've remembered that Grey was sitting at the same table and added, — Nevermind... I'm sorry, it's my fault.

— It's fine, I enjoyed it.

— Really? — You've accompanied him to the table to make sure that he wouldn't fall again, then asked Grey to the dance for various reasons *cough* because you had a little crush on him and wanted to give poor Greg a chance to eat something *cough*

— Ouch! You're stepping on my foot!

— Sorry, sorry, — Grey said, still staring at the food.

— Geez, you're hopeless! — You said, shaking your head, looking at the table as well. You've noticed sad Redmond looking at you, as if he wanted to dance but he wasn't sure that it would be a good idea, since you were obviously into his friend. However, his uncle grabbed your hand and kissed it, asking you for the next dance, as soon as the song ended and Grey flew towards the food.

You've accepted but kind of regret it after Aleistor groped your butt. You definitely didn't want him to do it again *cough* in front of the people, especially your crushes *cough* so you've refused to dance with him more than once.

— Farewell, my delicate little lilac! — He waved when the guests started to leave, — Oh! How I longed for more fun than we already had!

You've facepalmed, hiding your red face and ran away to hide and change into your uniform.

However, as soon as you entered the shadow, someone grabbed you roughly.

— What the... — You've looked at Ciel.

— Well, well. Say, what are you planning, Ray White? — Asked Ciel, smirking.

— I'm not Ray, stupid brat! Why would my brother wear a dress? Not everyone loves cross–dressing, you know. — You said, winking.

— W–What do you mean?! — Ciel snarled, — Don't believe whatever Chamber told you! Anyway, I've noticed that you were spying on me for a while, so I've asked an acquaintance of mine to collect information about you and I came to know that earl Ray White simply doesn't exist, now you've come dressed as woman... no, you were dressed as man all this time, weren't you? What are your intentions? Speak the truth if you don't want me to tell everyone who you really are!

— Are you sure that you want to threaten me? Because I know a lot more secrets about you, little guard pup and I won't hesitate to reveal them as soon as you reveal mine! Clayton will be really disappointed to know that Mr. Michaelis was doing all the work, or should I say, your butler? Just shut that little mouth of yours, — You smirked.

— Sebastian, come out. She knows too much. I order you to kill her and make it look like an accident.

— Phantomhive!!! No, wait! I won't say anything, I just wanted to sca... — You've felt yourself sinking into the water, you were struggling but Sebastian was keeping your head under water.

„So this is the end? This brat doesn't seem to be kidding. Heck no, not today, guard pup! Here's still a lot of butts I wish to smack!"

You've smirked mischievously before grabbing Grey's daggers which were hidden into your clothing.

Then you've used them to stab...


You were clever enough to know that you couldn't win against him.


You've stabbed...


Right in the heart.

You've killed yourself before the demon could kill you.

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