Chapter X: Gravestone

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— What are you thinking about, lady Y/N? — Asked your partner. You've somewhat managed to get higher grades than Grell (probably because after writing so many boring Latin poems, grim reaper stuff seemed fun to you and you were easily putting efforts in it, still, you missed Violet so much, you'd write even more poems just to be with him again) and your partner was looking up to you.

— Nothing, — You lied. Actually you were thinking about visiting queen but you weren't even sure if they'd be able to see you. What would you say? Did they know that you were dead? How would Grey react? You didn't want to give him a heart attack. You were worried about Violet too, he was probably going through a hard time at this point. — Let's keep looking for our target.

— Yes, M'Lady!

— Just call me [Y/N].

Your target was mortician, two of you were supposed to collect his soul in a few days.

— Lady [Y/N]!!! Look! — Your partner pointed at the gravestone, far on the opposite side of your hiding spot. — It has your name on it!

— I wonder if my body is there... what are we? Souls? Resurrected bodies?

— I dunno.

— I don't really feel like digging it and checking...

— Me either. So scary...

— Are you serious? We're f**king reapers! — You went quiet when you saw the figure approaching your grave.

It was Violet.

Flashback, Violet's POV

— What's new at the school?

— Lots of stuff, where should I start from? — Cheslock shrugged.

They were sitting at the table, in the sphere music hall, chatting.

— Start with the students of our house... how are they?

— You mean White?

— Yes, him too... Why are you asking?

— I dunno, you two seemed close. I can't tell if you were friends or enemies, but you were obviously interested in each other... He wasn't attending to tournament and hadn't seen after it either. Maybe he left because you weren't there anymore, or maybe he left because his sister killed herself.

— What?!

— Yeah, I heard that his sister killed herself at our school. As if Weston College's history wasn't dark enough... Violet? Are you alright? You look paler than before. Oh shit! I forgot that you had something for White's sister, you even accepted to dance with her, regardless of the fact that you hate dancing... Maybe I shouldn't have said that, you have enough problems... Violet! Are you even listening?!

End of flashback

Violet stopped and put down the bouquet of violets and purple dahlias.

— Why did you do that? — He mumbled, tracing your name with his fingers.

You instinctively stepped toward him, but your partner stopped you.

— You can't; we must forget our past.

— But... — You didn't know what to say, so you were just watching Violet sniffle, wanting to hug him.

— I never hated you, I... I was just angry... But... I hate you now. Why did you do that? Why?! — He wiped his face on his sleeve before running away.

You reached out your hand towards the direction where he disappeared.

— Violet...

— Who is he? — Asked your partner.

— Nobody, just an acquaintance, — You turned your back to him, not wanting him to see you tearing up. — Where's our target?

— He will show up soon.

You've heard footsteps after few minutes but it wasn't the mortician. It was Grey, Phipps and the chicken.

Flashback, Grey's POV

„Phantomhive brat is already back, where is [Y/N]? Her assignment is over now, she was supposed to spy on Phantomhive at the college and he's not there anymore. I'd think that she decided to stay because of that other brat she was dancing with, but didn't he leave as well? What's wrong? I'll go and bring her back. I'll ask her majesty to give me a permission to do so. Of course she will accept me, I bet she's dying to hear about that brat's activities"

— Earl Ray White, you say? I hadn't seen for a while, I've heard the rumors that he left because his twin sister decided to drown herself here...

— What?!

— Other rumors say that she stabbed herself with a dagger.

— No way... this can't be true!!!

End of flashback

— Hello, [Y/N]. This place is so creepy... I hate coming here, — Said Grey, shivering, — Look, I've brought some food, in case if ghosts truly exist, you can enjoy it. I think it will be delicious.

— You should eat it instead of feeding ghost...

— Don't tell me what to do, Phipps. I'm not hungry.

— How come? You're eating less these days. Are you feeling ill?

— You're interrupting me! — Grey pouted and continued talking to the gravestone, — [Y/N]! You moron! Stupid commoner! I gave you those daggers to protect yourself, not to kill yourself! How stupid! I can't stand you! How can some people be so dumb?! Would you still kill yourself if you hadn't my daggers? Phipps! What do you think? Is it my fault that she died? I... I think it is... it's my fault...

— No, it's not. She wanted to kill herself, it wouldn't be hard for her to do it using any other weapon. Do not blame yourself, it's not your fault.

— How could she do this to me?! I hate her!

Gray stabbed the ground with his rapier few times before turning on his heel and walking away. Phipps silently put down one flower on the ground before following him.

— That guy was so rude... he didn't even bring a flower!

— He brought food, that means much more to him... — You've blankly stared at the mortician who finally showed up, thinking about your past.

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