Chapter XIII: Kitties

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You've carefully sneaked in the sphere music hall again, even though you weren't sure that Bravat could see you. Joining the crowd wasn't very safe either, considering that you weren't visible for everyone. Soon The Phantom 5 revealed themselves, Bravat ran outside after hearing some noise and you've relaxed a bit.

Finally the Phantom 5 left, but sadly Bravat came back and headed towards S4, before running out again.

S4 continued concert, singing two songs instead of one as it was planned, what was definitely too much for Violet, and he fainted.

„Welp, screw Bravat, I think he has enough problems already and he won't be very concerned about kicking me out even if he'll see me."

You've jumped on the stage and caught him before he could fall, hoping that this action wouldn't change anything drastically. You knew that you shouldn't do that, falling down wouldn't harm him, but still, you couldn't help.

You, Greenhill and Bluewer stayed with Violet, while Redmond left to find Bravat. Soon they entered room together. You had strong urge to punch Bravat in the face for hurting Violet like this, but you somewhat stopped yourself from doing it.

— Who's this? — He asked, slightly glaring at you.

— Just an acquaintance, — You replied, shortly, trying to not to glare him back hard enough to make him suspect that you knew everything. He'd probably think that Violet was talking too much and who knows what he would decide.

— I see.

Greenhill said that Violet needed to avoid singing for one day and rest and Bluewer objected, making you glare at him, seeing that he wasn't as worried about his friend as Greenhill and Redmond were. Well, it was most likely only because of his hardworking nature, he was not going easy on himself either, but still.

Bravat accepted Greenhill's idea, but that didn't decrease your urge to beat him to a bloody pulp at all. Violet opened his eyes and started claiming that you all were overreacting.

— Really? Just look at yourself! — You clenched your fists.

— No, no, Violet. I won't allow you to push yourself any further. Remember that you're a precious Sirius. Okay? — Bravat stepped closer, putting his hand on Violet's shoulder.

— Fine.

Time has passed, Bravat didn't seem to mind your attendance, because he was troubled by Phantom 5 more, so worst he did was saying few jokes about your chest size.

Bravat did everything to make sure that S4 would have more fans than Phantom 5, he even dressed S4 as kittens, that's when you realized that you could understand Sebastian's urge to squeeze cat's paw.

The guy who was probably supposed to spy on Phantom 5 stormed in, telling Bravat that today they had more attendees than the Funtom Music Hall.

„Just today? People truly have weird taste, Whole Phantom 5 isn't even half as cool as Violet, let alone S4." You thought and looked at Violet who was sipping some juice.

Time skip brought to you by the kitty four

Today was different. You could hear the whispers everywhere you went. You noticed the man holding the newspaper. Horrible murder! By Sphere Musichall — the headline said.

— Damn it! Why didn't they send me to collect souls today?! — You hissed. Then you remembered someone who was responsible for the task you were interested in. Grell, the heartbroken maiden.

You ran towards the carriage, heading to the bath.

„Crap, how careless of me! I must make sure that everything will go according to scenario."

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