Teasing Iori

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Pov: Nonon Jakuzere

When the two came back from taking break I decided to tease Iori, I found him reading a book as (Y/N) talked with monkey at the same couch Iori wS sitting at, so I went up to him "Hey Iori" I said grinning "I know that grin so tell what you need?" He asked "well when you and (Y/N) went to eat was it like a date" I teased "W-what are you saying!" He said as he dropped his book, looking at me,his face each was blushing badly "Ohhhh~ looks like Iori likes a girl for once~" I teased as he blushed darkened and his  face in a pillow "Shut up Jakuzere!!" He screamed as he throws the pillow at me,making me yelp and land in the floor,the others notice this "aw cmon I know you like her~" I teased again,he growled and gave me a death glare which I ignored "Shut up!" He said, I laughed and thrown the pillow at him making him fall as (Y/N) was sitting there, that made me grin.

Iori landed in (Y/N) 's lap (Y/N) seemed to blush and said "Iori-San w-what's gotten into you?" Blushing badly, I swear he would blush at her face "i-its nothing (Y/N)" he stammered and got off her lap and glared at me,he then chased after me, I smiled and ran. Leaving behind a smirking Satsuki, confused Gamagori, a smiling Sanageyama,ignoring Inumuta and a blushing (Y/N).

Pov: Iori Shiro

I huffed as I went in with a smiling Jakuzere "so what who's the lucky girl?" Sanageyama asked smirking, I growled and was steady to attack when "Iori you can tell us but we will keep it from (Y/N)" Lady Satsuki said smiling "thank you Lady Satsuki" I said bowing when Jakuzere said "but you still like her~" grinning "I swear Jakuzere you will be sent to hell!!" I shouted as I chased after  her, I accidentally bumped into (Y/N), we fell.

I groaned as I looked to see (Y/N) on top of me, I blushed "o-ow, I am sorry Iori-San" she said as she looked at me "i-its f-fine (Y/N)-Chan" I said stuttered, she nodded and shook her head "what's wrong?" I asked "nothing I feel bad for bumping into you" she said "no its my fault I didn't see where I was going" I said, she seemed to nod and blushed "I think I should go home now" she said as she got up, I did too I was blushing.

I dusted my cloths and heard snickering,we both look to see Jakuzere and Sanageyama snickering, we blushed even more "I should go know bye Iori-San" (Y/N) said sprinting off, I looked back and gave them a glare and went to my office blushing.

Iori Shiro x Female!Reader: Tailors LoveWhere stories live. Discover now