Chapter 1: I don't wanna go to his concert! :/

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*At Rachel's House*


"Moooom! I wanna go to Greyson's concert tomorrow! PLEASE????" I hope my mom would want me to come! PLEASE GOD,PLEAASEEE!

"Sweetie,you don't have someone to come with you.I'm busy doing my work.*Pats Lilly's head* " Mom said. Awww...Wait! I have an idea! Mwahahahaha!

"It's okay mom! I can bring my sister,Rachel!" OH YEAH.I hope she agrees!

"Let me ask her if she isn't busy tomorrow,okay?" BOOOM.I hope she's not busy tomorrow!

" Okay mom! Thanks! *Smiles* " MWHAHAHA.Be prepared Rachel,be prepared...You're gonna drool if you see his face! *Evil Grin*



I'm in my room,reading my book,The Hunger Games while listening some songs.Today's a relaxing and beautiful day..I was enjoying my book but suddenly,someone knocked on my door...I wonder who is it...

*Knock knock* *Knock knock*

"Who's there?"  I hope it's Crissa...

"It's me,sweetie" Ohh,it's mom...

"Come in mom"

" *Comes in* "

"What do you want mom?" I asked her,while reading my book.

"Sweetie,are you busy on the other day?" My mom asked.Maybe,she wants me to shop with Crissa....Naah.

"Uhm,wait a minute...I'll check my schedule" I checked my calendar if I have any plans for tomorrow...And I don't have any plans...

"Sure *smiles* "

"Nope,I'm not busy tomorrow.*Smiles* Why'd you ask anyway?"

"Good! *Smiles* Can you come with your little sister tomorrow at Greyson's concert?" I didn't hear what she all said because I'm listening to my music...So,just answered her even though I don't know what she said.

"Yeah,sure why not.." I said still reading my book and I took off my earphones...

"So,you'll come with your sister tomorrow at Greyson's concert? *Smiles* "  Wait,WHAT? Holy moly...I should've asked my mom again! GAAAH.

"Wait,what?! NOOOOOOO!!!! I'm not gonna go to his STUPID concert"  Oh my...I just shouted at my mom..This is not gonna be good...

"Don't use that tone to me,young lady! YOU'RE going to his concert tomorrow with your little sister.And,that's  FINAL! Understand?!"   Whoa.. I've never seen my mom like that...I guess I'll just go...GAAH.

"Yes mom..."  I said looking down...

"Good.Btw,I need to go now.Bye,sweetie.*Kisses my forehead* "  

"Bye mom"  I said sarcastically,good thing mom didn't notice..



 I was watching Spongebob and  I'm waiting for my mom to come down...I hope Rachel's not busy tomorrow. I want her to see my future husband.*Smirks* 

"Sweetie,I talked to your sister already.."  Omg.I hope she's not busy tomorrow!!! PLEASE GOD,PLEASE. I HOPE SHE'S NOT BUSY.


"And,she said yes.*Smiles* "  OMG.She said yes! Maybe,she likes Greyson too...

"OMGC! Really,mom?! Thank you very much!!! I can't believe she agreed! Maybe she likes him too,and she's just denying it! *Smiles* "  Oh,Rachel...Be prepared to see my husband...

"Of course hun,who wouldn't like your future husband?"  I can tell,my mom is hiding her laugh...It isn't funny! He'll be my husband...soon.

"MOOOM! *Blushes*"

"Okay,okay.I need to go to work now.Bye,sweetie *Kisses my forehead* "

"Thanks again,mom! Bye! *Smirks*"   I CAN'T WAIT FOR TOMORROW!!! EEEEEEEK.



GAAAAH.I don't wanna go to this concert! *Sigh* Better tweet something...

*Grabs Laptop*

"@xxRachelMariexx :Ugh.I'm so pissed right now! I don't want to go to that STUPID concert of his!!! #Pissedoff "  (A:N :I just made up the Twitter username.So,it's not real.(: ) 

 TWEET.I hope Crissa's online....And she's online! And,she replied to my latest tweet....I wonder what she replied...

"@Crissa410:@xxRachelMariexx OMGC!!  You're going to his concert?! I thought you don't like him? :o"

"@xxRachelMariexx: @Crissa410 Yeah,I know.I don't like him! My sister begged our mom to come to his concert with ME.Why  ME?!?!?!  UGH.:/ "

"@Crissa410: @xxRachelMariexx Oh.My.Greyson!!! I want to come with you! :D"

"@xxRachelMariexx: @Crissa410 WTH!!! DUDE,YOU LIKE HM?!?! :O #OMFG

"@Cissa410: @xxRachelMariexx Well,yeah....Sorta...He's freaking cute you know!!!:"> You're so lucky you're going with your sister :/ "

"@xxRachelMariexx: @Crissa410 OMG.HE is not CUTE.Ewwww.No,I am not lucky...Btw,can you come with us? 

"@Crissa410: @xxRachelMariexx YES,HE IS! Sure,why not?! :D Thank you,Bestie!!! 

"@xxRachelMariexx: @Crissa410 You're welcome! :*

"@xxRachelMariexx: Okaaaay.I need to rest.Bye Twitter! (:" 

I really need to rest.....Tomorrow's a "BIG DAY" for my little sister...'cause it's "Her husband" concert tomorrow....NIGHT WORLD.

From Hate to Love (A Greyson Chance Fan Fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon