Over text (Yoonmin)

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Yoongi POV

I stomped upstairs to my room once Hoseok told me the bad news.

Why would he do this? Doesn't he know that he's perfect just the way he is? Doesn't he know he's beautiful? Why is he being so stupid? Ugh... Jimin why?

Once i got to my room i took the charger out of my phone and started searching for Jimin's number. As i scrolled through my contacts i thought about him. The way he flips his hair and combs through it with his hands. The way he winks at our fans. And when he does does those two actions together.... oh my god....


I didn't even realise i was already typing.

Yoongi: Jimin.

Jimin: What's wrong? Why did you call me that?

Yoongi: Isn't that your name?

Jimin: Hyung... you know what i mean.

Yoongi: No I don't and that's not the point.

Jimin: Well then... can you please direct me to the point so we can both understand.

Yoongi: Hoseok told me everything.

Jimin: He did!?!?!? *he says sarcastically*

Yoongi: Ha-ha... very funny.

Jimin: What did he tell you exactly?

Yoongi: That you were practicing the dances for our comeback.

Jimin: And that's bad because..?

Yoongi: You practiced from 9am till now... and it's 10.30pm. And the worst thing is that you didn't take any breaks.

Jimin: I did take a break.
I went to get my bottle from my dorm at noon.

Yoongi: That doesn't count.

Jimin: Yes it does. I stopped dancing... therefore i had a break.

Yoongi: Fine fine....
Did you eat at least?

Jimin: I did.

Yoongi: You sit on a throne of lies.

Jimin: Actually I'm standing right now so your comment is invalid.

Yoongi: Don't test me Jimin.

Jimin: What if i tell you that you got an A+?

Yoongi: Then i would know that you're lying and I'm right.

Jimin: But I'm telling you the truth. I did eat i promise hyung.

Yoongi: Fine then tell me what you ate right now.

Jimin: I ate an apple.

Yoongi: Annnnddd?....

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