Cooking (Vkook)

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Mianhe for the very late update...

Jungkook POV

"Okay everybody. Please have a seat." Said Jin as the six of us entered the kitchen. "Why are we doing this again?" Asked Yoongi. "I am tired of cooking for you 24/7. I'm not your personal chef, I am your band member, so i thought that maybe i could teach you how to cook without burning the kitchen down." He said pointing his eyes at Namjoon. "It was only one time." Namjoon huffed obviously embarrassed. "It's okay baby." Said Jin. "Okay ew no stop that." Hoseok interrupted walking past us and taking a seat next to Joon. We all giggled until Jin... or should i say eomma... stopped us.

We all sat down around the table. "Okay so... you're going to be in partners. So pair up with the one next to you." Commanded Jin and we all obeyed. So the teams were Yoongi and Jimin, Hoseok and Namjoon, and finally me and Taehyung.

I felt butterflies in my stomach because well... between you and me... i kind of like Taehyung. Like really REALLY like him. What's not to like? That box shaped smile, those beautiful eyes, that angelic laugh... so adorable.

"Okay so now that you found someone, this is what we're going to be making. Some simple chocolate chip cookies."

(Whilst editing i realised that i spelt cookie with a K 😂 What have you done to my Englisheu Jeon Jungkook)

"Oooo i love cookies yay." Said Taehyung and i giggled. "But not as much as i love this Kookie." He said as he bopped my nose and smiled. I smiled back and looked the other way so that he wouldn't see me blush.

"Okay okay settle down. So in front of you, you have some ingredients and utensils that you are going to be using. Do not and I repeat DO NOT break them." He said eyeing Namjoon. He just rolled his eyes and looked away.

"So... first thing you have to do is grab the big blue bowl on your right and the whisk on your left."

Since i was on the left, i got the whisk and Tae got the bowl. We placed them in the middle of the counter but as i was about to remove my hands away from the utensils, his hands brushed against mine slightly. I, again, looked away so that he wouldn't see my red face.

"Now that you've done that, grab the sugar and put 3/4 cup of that into the bowl."

(Not even joking... i spelt sugar without an r.... why? 😩)

I let Tae go first and he successfully put that into the bowl without spilling anything out.

"All done? Good. Crack two eggs in the bowl. If any eggshells are accidentally put in the bowl remove them immediately."

"We'll do one each yeah?" I asked Tae and he just nodded in approval. He went first and cracked the egg into the bowl, then it was my turn. Once the job was finished, we both had our hands covered in egg so he grabbed a cloth and wiped his hands with it.

I thought that he was going to hand me the cloth so that i could do the same but he didn't. Instead, he grabbed my wrists and wiped my hands for me. There was no way that i could hide my blush now because I was literally facing him. Once he was done he looked at me and said "Awh. You're cute." And giggled.

I knew then and there that i was not blushing any more.... but in fact, i looked like i had just eaten the hottest chili on earth during a heat wave. I could tell since I saw the reflection of myself in one of the metal bowls.

"Okay okay. So, remove the eggshells and place them in the bin next to you. After you've done that, you should get the melted butter and place it in the bowl with the rest of your ingredients."

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