Fluent (Taegi)

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Third person POV

"Ugh I give up. I can't do this." Said Taehyung as he crossed his arms together. "Oh come on of course you can" said Yoongi. "No. I seriously have no faith in myself anymore." Taehyung said as he got up from the stool and made his way to the couch. He sat down and started fumbling with his fingers.

Footsteps were heard from a distance and Yoongi appeared in front of his eyes. "Tae come on." He said and inched closer to the latter. "Tae. Tae please." He repeated as he slowly tried to reach for both of his hands. Taehyung wouldn't budge because every time Yoongi almost touched his hands he would pull away and his frown would deepen.

Though it was hard, Yoongi held himself back from kissing the youngers' pout away.

The older gave up on trying to talk to the other boy. He sat down next to the younger and stared at him. He was... perfect. There was no other word to describe him.

He was cute, funny, surprisingly smart, nice, kind, talented, incredible and absolutely beautiful. That was all Yoongi could think about. Nothing in the world has ever done what Taehyung had done to Yoongi.

Yoongi was never one to chase after women or men, but in this case... he can't do anything else other than admire the boy from a distance since he is one hundred percent certain that the other would never feel the same way about him.

Yoongi was sure that the younger had feelings for someone else. He goes by the name Jeon Jungkook. They're always together and Yoongi envied their friendship since they were so close. Due to this Yoongi always gave death glares to the maknae when him and Taehyung were close to each other but the poor young boy had no idea why he was treated like that so he let it slide every time.

The thing that Yoongi didn't know was that Taehyung only had eyes on one person, and that person was the latter himself. Min Yoongi was in Taehyung's heart and he had always been there. Jungkook was just his best friend who knew about these feelings. Jungkook was perfectly okay with this since he had feelings for another man, who was Jimin. 

Jungkook was perfectly aware of how Tae felt but he had his suspicions about Yoongi. To the rest of the band members, especially to Jungkook, Yoongi's always just emotionless and negative but when Taehyung was around, he would turn the opposite.

Jungkook had told Taehyung about his thories but he wouldn't listen as he was also one hundred percent certain that Yoongi did not like him back. Taehyung thought that Yoongi liked Jimin since they were very close. In reality, Yoongi and Jimin were best friends and they knew everything about each other. Meaning that Jimin knew about Yoongi's feelings for Taehyung and Yoongi knew about Jimin's feelings for Jungkook.

They were all so certain about what they thought that all four ended up in an endless competition of who glares the most.

Right now though, it was different. Yoongi had been in the studio for over 24 hours and Taehyung started to get worried. He brought him a cup of tea and some cookies and the older thanked him. When Taehyung was about to leave, the door knob broke out of no where. Taehyung started to panic and ran over to Yoongi with the knob in his hand and explained what happened.

If it were any of the other members, especially Jungkook, he would have lost his sh*t and ruined their ear drums, but since it was Taehyung, he simply smiled and pulled the younger into a hug to calm him down.

Once that happened, Yoongi decided to call Jimin to bust them out but they had to wait a couple of hours since him and Jungkook were apparently at a meeting with PD nim.

To waste their time, Yoongi decided to teach Taehyung a little part of "I need U" but he was always failing when it get's to the bridge. He soon got frustrated and gave up.

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