Silence (Namjin)

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Namjoon POV

"Okay okay.... i know you're in love and all, but please GET A ROOM!" Shouted Hoseok as Yoongi and Jin started laughing harder than ever. "What are you laughing at?" Hoseok asked directing it to Yoongi. "I saw you eating Jimin's face earlier today." And after that.... Yoongi spoke no more.

So basically, Jin, Hobi and I were watching TV when Jungkook, Taehyung and Yoongi came downstairs because Jimin wasn't ready yet. Vkook started making out and Hobi got mad. So you know... just a regular evening with BTS, nothing unusual.

"Okay I'm done." Said Jimin as he started descending down the stairs. "Wow. You look beautiful." Said Yoongi as he ran up to him and kissed his cheek earning a groan from Hoseok. "Yeah erm... I'm leaving." He said as he grabbed his jacket and made his way to the door. "Yah. And get a girlfriend while you're at it." Jungkook yelled. We heard a loud slam and footsteps moving away from us. Tae and Jimin were giggling in a corner and their boyfriends were staring at them in awe.

"Erm... Jungkook?" Asked Jin. "Yes eomma?" He said not looking away from Taehyung. "You're drooling. So are you Yoongi." He said and i lost *my wayyyyy* it. I hid my face with my hands because i was laughing so hard.

They both gave Jin a glare and started getting ready to leave. "We're leaving now." Said Taehyung. "Bye eomma. Bye appa." They all said in unision.

I tried to hide my blush with my hands. "Bye kids. Have fun." Said Jin as he waved them off. "But not too much fun." He added which earned him a glare from Yoongi. I waved at them and the door closed shut.

Akward silence filled the room and the only thing that could be heard was the quiet sound of the TV and the small barely audible breaths.

"So..." Jin spoke. "You hungry?" I asked looking down at his beautiful big brown eyes. "I could eat." He said and shrugged. "When can you not?" I said quietly. "I heard that." He said glaring at me. "Well... am I lying?"

Nobody said a word and then I looked at him again. "Exactly." I said smiling proudly at myself. I got up but was pushed back down with a large force. "That's what you get for making fun of me." Said Jin with a frustrated look on his face.

"I was joking you pabo. Now help me up." I pouted at him. "Ugh fine." He said and made his way up to me. When he approached me he stopped in his tracks. "But you have to help me make dinner...  and I mean really help me." He uttered. I pretended to think about it for a few seconds and then nodded my head.

He pulled his hand out and i reached out mine. When we touched i felt electricity shoot through my skin. He pulled me up but ended up falling on top of me. "Well that was a fail." I said and we both burst into laughter.

He looked up at me and i started to blush. We stared at eachother for what seemed like minutes but it was actually a couple of seconds. I cleared my throat and pushed him off of me slowly. I got up and held my hand out for him. "This time a man will do it." I said smirking lightly. He rolled his eyes playfully and took my hand.

I pulled him up and close to me, our eyes meeting. He looked away and escaped my grasp with light pink cheeks. I chuckled slightly at the effect I had on the older.

"We should get started on the food." He said walking to the kitchen. I walked behind him and the soft, funny Jin turned into the commanding, serious Jin. "Okay I need a bowl, two knives, a chopping board, onions....." and the list goes on. I got lost in his eyes and that was all i heard.

"Namjoon? Are you listening?" He asked snapping his fingers in front of my face. "Yeah yeah."

I hurriedly got all the things he said and placed them on the counter. "Okay start by cutting the onion." He said. I obeyed and tried my best. I thought i was doing okay but since Jin is very protective he insisted on helping me before i got hurt. He placed both of his hands on mine and he started cutting the vegetable gracefully.

*You remember that scene^*

"So... this is how you do it?" I asked looking up into his eyes. He looked at me and his facial expression changed into a softer one. Our hands stopped moving and i realised he stopped cutting the food. "Y-yeah... that's how." He said with a shaky breath.

We started inching closer to eachother and our lips met. I turned around so i could face him never breaking the kiss. We pulled away and stared at eachother.

"Joon. I kind of sort of like you..." he said looking down. I put my hand under his chin and pulled his head up gently. "I kind of sort of like you too Jin." I said kissing him back.

*Okay so..... there isn't any smut i promise but... just a warning... things are about to go down.*

The oh-so-soft-and-gentle kiss turned into a heated passionate make out session. I slid my hands down to his waist and pulled him closer. I bit on his lower lip and he opened his mouth immediately letting my tounge slip in. He wrapped his legs around my waist and i started carrying us both up to the bedroom.

I layed him on the bed and placed myself on top of him holding myself up with my elbows. I broke the kiss and started leaving trails of sloppy kisses down to his neck. I began to kiss around his neck until i found his sweet spot. I started sucking and biting it until it turned blue. I also added a couple of hickeys here and there.

I pulled away earning a groan from Jin because of the loss of contact. "I marked you. You're mine now baby." I whispered in his ear causing him to whimper. I kissed him again and he gave in soon enough. He started playing with the hem of my shirt and smoothly slid his hands under my shirt sending shivers up my spine.

"Jin are you in he- OH MY GOD!" We both turned our heads in the direction the voice was coming from. "YOU TWO!?" Screamed Hoseok. Jin hid his face with his hands and i started giggling a bit. "Okay well... I'm going to bed, please don't make loud noises and tell the others that I'M MOVING OUT!" He said which caused both Jin and I to burst into giggles. "Well goodnight then." I said to him. "Sweet dreams." Added Jin. "Oh yeah... more like nightmares after what I've seen." He said with a disgusted smile on his face.

"Don't worry Hobi. You won't be a seventh wheel." I said winking at him causing Jin to faintly giggle. "Sure...." he said leaving and closing the door behind him. "AND NEXT TIME LOCK THE DOOR!" He screamed from outside of the room. Jin and I both fell into a laughing fit after he left.

I slowly made my way to the side of the bed and pulled Jin closer to me. I placed on of my hands around his waist as he rested his head and one of his hands on my chest whilst the other interlaced with my other hand.

There was silence until one of us spoke. "So.... what does this make us now?" Asked the older. "Well.... that depends. Would you like to be my boyfriend?" I asked hoping that the answer would be yes. "No." He said and my heart clenched.

He got up in a sitting position and turned around. He got closer to me and gave me a peck on the lips. "I would love to." He said moving away and laying down in the same position as before. I blushed harder than i had ever blushed before. "Good." I said kissing his forehead gently.

"Good night Joonie." He said. "Good night princess." I said tightening my grip around his waist. There was silence again, but this time it wasn't akward.... it was comfortable silence.

I felt my eyelids growing heavier by the second and soon fell asleep to the angelic sound of Jin lightly snoring.

Idk what this is.... but it's something... so... sorry for waisting your time 🕢
It's like... 1.03am rn so... understand pls 😂
If you liked this chapter pls vote. If you didn't let me know why in the comments below so that i can improve. 😊
Thanks for reading.
Fighting ❤

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