The Invasion

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"As we now enter the newest amusement park in Zelch, we can see the massive roller coaster called Artch greeting us and soaring up an astounding 250 feet high!" The news reporter says, "there is a large line here full of anxious citizens waiting for their turn on this massive thrill ride, I'm Amelia Jefferson, signing off."

"I can't wait!" Yells Marka, with crazed eyes, staring at the wonder that is in front of them.

"You can't wait? I've been here since yesterday saving us our spot, a thank you would be nice." Says Christa.

"Huh, girls," mumbles Marka, "Yeah, thanks Christa, I owe you one."

"You'd better!" Shouts Christa, "but look! It's our turn next!"

Marka looked up, "I guess it is, I hadn't realized," he thought to himself.  Marka looked at Christa and back at the roller coaster, noticing both of the were beautiful, aw what was he thinking, he'd been friends with Christa for a long time, good friends too.  He didn't have much of a chance, but he saw this as his only opportunity.  He and Christa had gone to the same school for the longest time.  They had just entered their last year at highschool, and he'd been really excited to get out of school.  See, here on Eynus, there is no collage, they just mash that in with highschool, all it does is add an extra year.  His thoughts were disturbed by Christa who was yelling at him to get on, he snapped out of his trance and got on.  "This is so exciting!" She said with her glimmering eyes,

"Yeah it really is isn't it!" Exclaimed Marka.

They started to go up, up, up, and after what felt like forever, they reached the top. Marka looked down and almost screamed, he knew he needed to save his lungs for the horrendous drop, accelerating faster than a race car.  He also knew he'd only have a couple of seconds to tell Christa how he felt.  "Christa,"

"Yeah? What is it Marka?"

"There's something I have to tell you."

"What is it?"

"I love y-"

His sentence was cut off by a huge smash, he looked around and saw a giant spaceship, before he could react and tell Christa, they were falling, falling, falling, they fell fast, but Marka was able to clamp onto a bar that had cracked off the roller coaster, he came to his senses a moment later and looked at just what had happened.  A section of the roller coaster had been blown off and he could smell smoke, he turned looked closer and realized it was on fire, "crap," he shouted, and remembered Christa, "Christa!" He screamed, Marka heard her voice down below him, he could see she was hanging onto another bar that had cracked off.  He told her that they'd be fine, and just to hold on.  Marka heard cracking and saw that it was his bar was starting to break away from the supports. "Damn it." Marka looked back down and saw that Christa's bar was also cracking, but faster.  He had to do something fast, so he leaped from his bar and collided into another one.

Moments later the bar he had jumped from broke off and fell down into the chaos below. He heard a scream and looked back down. The bar had landed on top of someone, they weren't moving, and there was a lot of blood, now everyone was screaming, he heard a particular scream that was close to him, he looked at where the scream had come from.  What he saw, what Marka saw, made his heart drop. The bar Christa had been holding on to broke off, and he could see her falling, "NO!" Yelled Marka, he started to drop onto the bars, trying to keep safe while keeping up with Christa, he knew he couldn't, she was falling to fast, but he had to try, he started to drop faster. But soon enough he heard a slam.  The dreaded thing he hoped wouldn't come.  Marka looked down and saw that Christa had fallen on top of a concessions stand, there was blood, and she wasn't moving.

Marka dropped the rest of the way down, seeing as it was only about ten feet.  He rushed over to where Christa had landed.  He checked if she had a pulse, none, "no, no, no, no," he kept repeating to himself, Marka could feel his eyes watering, the tears blinded him. As he was mourning her death, he heard another explosion.  Marka straightened himself out and looked where the explosion had been, and he saw it was the ferris wheel, Marka heard what he thought were endless screams, he looked away, not wanting to believe it. Pretty soon another explosion, and another.  He heard more screams, and soon he heard guns going off.  He looked around and saw people, things, whatever you want to call them, shooting at people.  "What the hell." He said, "I've got to get out of here." Marka snuck in between the roller coaster and saw that the exit was guarded by the things. 

He knew he had to get out, and soon, so he tried something, he threw a soda can at a wall.  It surprisingly worked, and he now had the one thing to deal with.  So he tried again, and this time hit the thing in the face, it turned and faced where Marka was hiding, so he moved quickly over to a bench, and hid there.  He saw the thing go over to where he had been hiding.  Marka knew he wouldn't be able to run out, so he grabbed a wooden beam that had fallen off of a another smaller coaster.  He went up to the thing, as quietly as possible, and used all of his strength to smash the beam over the things head.  The thing fell over and he could see green blood oozing out of the wound.  Marka grabbed the gun and examined it, it was labeled, 'BBR-14'.  It was roughly the same as one of his assault rifles he had at home.

The other thing came back and saw Marka, it started shooting and Marka ducked behind a stand.  He checked if there was a safety on the gun, and found nothing, so he assumed the gun would shoot.  So he came out of his cover, aimed the gun, held his breath and started to shoot at the thing. He missed his first few shots but eventually connected a bullet to the head of the thing.  It fell over, not moving at all.  Marka didn't waste any time, he ran up to the gate and smashed it open only to find that the amusement park wasn't the only thing that had been hit.  His whole city had been affected.  He knew this was the start of something terrible.  And he couldn't have been more right.

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